The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Sunshine Coast Lodge

Northern Beaches Group

Meets 1st Saturday of the month, at 2.00 p.m. for the meeting

Coordinator: Nila Chambers
Email the Coordinator, at [email protected] for more information and to confirm meeting

Meetings: 1st Saturday each month except January. Starting at 2.00pm for the talk/discussion.

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2025 Programme

Saturday 1st February
Pedro Oliviera  
The Theosophical Society at 150: An Illustrated Talk.
The TS was founded by H.P. Blavatsky and Colonel Olcott in New York in 1875. We will explore its history, purpose and prominent members.

Saturday 1st March
Gerard Brennan
Celtic Spirituality and its Timeless Wisdom.
We will explore  the enduring truths contained in Celtic spirituality, which was based on a deep spiritual connection with the natural world.

Saturday 5th April. Sunday 6th April (Workshop)
Clayton Spencer
The Way of the Shaman is the way of the earth.
Everything in the shaman's universe has energy, vibration, consciousness and a power of its own. Here we find earth based healing, other worldly communication and mind altering states. In this talk we will discuss the shaman path and the talk will be followed by a second workshop on June 15.

Saturday 3rd May
Simon O’Rourke
Dharma — the means to happiness.
The search for happiness is sometimes a pining for life in a distant heaven or the hope of material riches. Dharma, translated as duty, truth or religion, may be described as the only true means of happiness.

Saturday 7th June
Open Forum & Discussion
Theosophy 101: Light on the Path.
This small book written by Mabel Collins in 1911 is regarded as a TS classic. We will read Parts I & II (about 8 pages) and discuss her thoughts on the pilgrim’s path.

Saturday 5th July
Karen Taylor
Spiritual Symbolism.
Symbols carry deep significance, representing ideas, values, and experiences that transcend the confines of words. Divine symbols encapsulate complex ideas and truths, serving as a bridge to the sacred.

Saturday 2nd August
Nila Chambers
Mary Magdalene and the Gnostic Christ.
Who was MM really? We will examine her life and re-emerging legacy drawing on gnostic texts, biblical scholars etc. Why did she fall from favour? Where did she go after the resurrection? Is she connected to the Cathars and Black Madonnas? We will restore her to her rightful place as a mystic and 'the one who knew.’

Saturday 6th September
Ian Ellis-Jones
The Cathars and the Catholic Church.
Who were the Cathars? How and where did they arise? What were their distinctive beliefs and practices that led to their mericless persecution by the Roman Catholic church? We will remember and celebrate the Cathars.

Saturday 4th October
Youtube & Discussion
The Near Death Experience.
NDEs are incredibly common these days. They can be described as a modern day mystical experience.We will view some NDE Youtube clips and discuss aspects of the experience.

Sunday 12th October (Workshop)
Nila Chambers
Dreams and the Dreamer.
Where do dreams come from and what is their purpose? We will examine the ideas of early theosophists such as Blavatsky, Leadbeater and Judge as well as psychotherapist Karl Jung. Then we will analyse and share our dreams through these different lenses.

Saturday 1st November
Helen Lambert
Nature and the Creative Spirit.
If we listen to nature it allows doors to open in our minds and hearts. We touch both inner and outer worlds. This presentation will use Helen’s photos and poetry to open the way to nature’s message.

Saturday 6th December
Christmas Breakup


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