The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Sunshine Coast Lodge

All entries

Theosophical SiftingsPractical Occultism - Important to Students (rprnt Lutr April 1888)HP Blavatskyy1888v1i7-p1
Theosophical SiftingsOccultism versus the Occult Arts (rprnt Lutr May 1888)HP Blavatskyy1888v1i7-p8
Theosophical SiftingsEpitome of Theosophical TeachingsWilliam Quan Judgey1888v1i8-p1
Theosophical SiftingsKeely's Secrets - IntroductionR Hartey1888v1i9-p1
Theosophical SiftingsKeely's Secrets (1) Etheric Force Identified as Dynaspheric ForceMrs Bloomfield Moorey1888v1i9-p10
Theosophical SiftingsKeely's Secrets (2) One Phase of Keely's Discovery in its Relation to the Cure of DiseaseClara J Bloomfield Moorey1888v1i9-p24
Theosophical SiftingsNature-Spirits or ElementalsNizida (likely Louise Off)y1888v1i10-p1
Theosophical Siftings(On) the Difference between Elementals & ElementariesNiziday1888v1i10-p15
Theosophical SiftingsThe Higher ScienceWilliam Kingslandy1888v1i11-p1
Theosophical SiftingsWas Jesus a Perfect Man? - by the New LightFDy1888v1i12-p1
Theosophical Siftings(note)TPSy1888v1i12-p15
Theosophical SiftingsThe Hebrew Talisman - IntroductionRichard Hartey1888v1i13-p1
Theosophical SiftingsThe Hebrew Talisman (rprntd from rare pamphlet circa 1836)anony1888v1i13-p5
Theosophical SiftingsSelflessnessPilgrim (likely Wm Scott Elliott)y1888v1i14-p4
Theosophical Siftings"Thelyphthoria" [exploitation of women]Harij (likely JD Buck)y1888v1i14-p11
Theosophical Siftings(with unbound coloured diagram) The Taro - or Divination by Cardsanony1888v1i14-p17
Theosophical Siftings(a) illustration - unbound coloured diagramanony1888v1i14-p18
Theosophical SiftingsSwedenborg Bifrons; or Swedenborg, the New Church Sect, & the Theosophical Society - A Critiquean FTSy1888v1i15-p1
Theosophical SiftingsTheosophical Concepts of Evolution & Religionanony1888v1i16-p1
Lucifer1888anon (HPB)y1888v1-Januaryp337
LuciferTo the Morning Star (vf)Helen Faggy1888v1-Januaryp339
Luciferfiller - The Faith that You called Sacred (rprnt Secular Review)Robert G Ingersolly1888v1-Januaryp339
Lucifer"To the Readers of Lucifer"anon (HPB)y1888v1-Januaryp340
LuciferSome Words on Daily Life (see Letter #82, LMW-2nd, compiled by CJ)A Master of Wisdomy1888v1-Januaryp344
LuciferThe Blossom & The Fruit: The True Story of a Magician (5)Mabel Collinsy1888v1-Januaryp347
LuciferSpeculation, Revolution (vf)Mary W Galey1888v1-Januaryp364
LuciferTwilight Visions (1) (long vf)Wm C Eldon Serjeanty1888v1-Januaryp365
LuciferEsotericism of the Christian Dogma (rprnt)L'Abbe Rocay1888v1-Januaryp368
LuciferThe Great Quest (2)Pilgrimy1888v1-Januaryp375
LuciferWhisper of a Rose (vf)Moray1888v1-Januaryp378
LuciferThe Seclusion of the Adept: Comments on Light on the Path(triangle, ttt)y1888v1-Januaryp379
LuciferThe White Monk (1)Percy Rossy1888v1-Januaryp384
LuciferLove with an ObjectEmanuely1888v1-Januaryp391
LuciferSelf Mastery (A Sonnet) (vf)Dum Spiro, Spero (= Henrietta M Paget)y1888v1-Januaryp394
Luciferreview - A Modern Magician, A Romance by J Fitzgerald Molloyanon (HPB ?)y1888v1-Januaryp395
Luciferreview - The Twin Soul: A Psychological & Realistic Romance, anonanony1888v1-Januaryp397
Luciferreview - Posthumous Humanity, a Study of Phantoms by Adolphe d'Assier, tr HS Olcottanon (HPB ?)y1888v1-Januaryp399
Luciferreview - Sepher Yetzirah, The Book of Formation, & the 32 Paths of Wisdom tr W Wynn Westcottanony1888v1-Januaryp401
Luciferreview - Treble Chords vf by Catherine Grant FurleyGM (? Gerald Massey)y1888v1-Januaryp402
Luciferreview - The Creator, & What we may know of the method of creation by Dr WH DallingerWilliam Oxleyy1888v1-Januaryp403
LuciferMiscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1888v1-Januaryp406
Luciferreview - Absolute Monism; or, Mind is Matter & Matter is Mind by Sundaram Iyeranon (HPB, but BDZ doubtful)y1888v1-Januaryp408
Lucifercorrespondence - The Church & the Doctrine of the AtonementTG Headleyy1888v1-Januaryp412
Luciferreply to TG HeadleyEd. (HPB)y1888v1-Januaryp414
Lucifercorrespondence - Socialism & TheosophyThomas B Harbottley1888v1-Januaryp415
LuciferWhat is Theosophy? (acc to Schopenhauer) Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)FH (? Franz Hartmann)y1888v1-Januaryp417
LuciferA Note of ExplanationGerald Masseyy1888v1-Januaryp418
LuciferHylo-Idealism - The Secret of JesusGMMcCy1888v1-Januaryp421
LuciferMiscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1888v1-Januaryp421
Showing 5001 to 5050 of 211352 entries