The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Sunshine Coast Lodge

All entries

The Theosophistto Colonel HS Olcott (Sept 28, 1883) [welcome to Bellary]A. Sabapathy Mudaliary1883v5-Nov+p16
The Theosophist(Colonel Olcott, accompanied by Mr Brown) [at Poona]Navroji Dorabji Khandalvalay1883v5-Nov+p17
The TheosophistThe President-Founder at BombayBal Nilaji Pitaley1883v5-Nov+p17
The TheosophistA Padre Editor!HRM, FTS (? General Henry Rhodes Morgan)y1883v5-Nov+p18
The TheosophistMemorandum [Colonel Olcott's tour Bombay to Lahore]Damodar K Mavalankary1883v5-Nov+p18
The TheosophistColonel Olcott & the "Madras Times"OVNy1883v5-Nov+p19
The TheosophistEsoteric Buddhism [Letter to the Madras Times (Oct. 9, 1883) - a rebuttal to some misconceptions ...]William Tournay Brown (1857 - ?)y1883v5-Nov+p19
The TheosophistTo the Editor, Madras MailObservery1883v5-Nov+p19
The TheosophistTo the Editor of Light [May I ... say some words ... upon the subject of Esoteric Buddhism?]WT Browny1883v5-Nov+p20
The TheosophistTo the Editor of Light - (Oct. 8, 1883) - re Esoteric Buddhism; [Mr Kiddle's claims of plagiarism]WT Browny1883v5-Nov+p20
The TheosophistA Protest of TheosophistsR Ragunath Row & 437 others, at leasty1883v5-Nov+p20
The Theosophist[Letter to Count Gonemys of the Ionian Theosophical Society]Frederic William Henry Myers (1843-1901)y1883v5-Nov+p21
The TheosophistThe Adoni TS [formation; election of members for 1884; approval by HS Olcott]L Venkata Varadarajulu Naiduy1883v5-Nov+p21
The TheosophistThe Negapatam TS [officers elected]anony1883v5-Nov+p21
The TheosophistThe Satya Marga TS (Lucknow, Oudh) [election of officers]Jwala Prasad Sankhadharay1883v5-Nov+p21
The TheosophistOfficial Reportsvariousy1883v5-Nov+p21
The TheosophistThe Adoni TS [notice of formation]anony1883v5-Nov+p22
The TheosophistErrata 1883, Sept+ page 6 col 2anony1883v5-Nov+p22
The TheosophistPersonal Itemsvariousy1883v5-Nov+p22
The Theosophistobituary - CT Winfredanony1883v5-Nov+p22
The Theosophistobituary - Emanis de Silva GunasékaraGCA Jayasekaray1883v5-Nov+p22
The TheosophistThe Coimbatore TS [formation; office-bearers elected; approval by HS Olcott]T Seetharam Singy1883v5-Nov+p22
The TheosophistThe Pioneer TS of St Louis (Missouri) [formation; officers elected; details to follow]Elliot B Pagey1883v5-Nov+p22
The TheosophistThe Pondicherry TS [first meeting; officers elected]M Muruugappa Modeliary1883v5-Nov+p22
The TheosophistThe Sarv Hitkari TS (Gorakhpur, NWP) [personal item - six night schools opened]anony1883v5-Nov+p22
The Theosophist[Joined Olcott in his Northern Tour]Damodar K Mavalankary1883v5-Nov+p22
The Theosophist[Parmeshri Sahaie - gave lecture on Theosophy at Fyzabad]anony1883v5-Nov+p22
The Theosophist[Jwala Prasad Sankhadhar - delivered a lecture at Rae-Bareli]anony1883v5-Nov+p22
The TheosophistThe Mylapore Theosophical Sanskrit SchoolR Ragoonath Rowy1883v5-Nov+p22
The TheosophistThe Eighth Anniversary of the Theosophical Societyanony1883v5-Nov+p22
The TheosophistThe Theosophist, Madras, November, 1883Editory1883v5-Novemberp33
The TheosophistMorality & Pantheismanon (HPB)y1883v5-Novemberp33
The TheosophistReplies to Inquiries suggested by "Esoteric Buddhism" - Q7T Subba Rowy1883v5-Novemberp35
The TheosophistQuestion VII - Inscriptions Discovered by General A. CunninghamT Subba Rowy1883v5-Novemberp43
The TheosophistThe CaballahJD Bucky1883v5-Novemberp44
The TheosophistLuminosity of the Magnetic FieldWilliam F Barrett (1844-1925)y1883v5-Novemberp45
The TheosophistThe St James Gazette & "Esoteric Buddhism"anon (HPB)y1883v5-Novemberp46
The TheosophistChronology of the current Bengali EphemerisDharnidhar Sarma Kauthumhiy1883v5-Novemberp48
The TheosophistMedical Magnetism & the Healer Magnetic (2)Seeta Nath Ghosey1883v5-Novemberp49
The TheosophistThe Rev Hastie's Karma & the Progress of Poesy in Bengalanon (HPB)y1883v5-Novemberp51
The TheosophistSalvationists - Jesuits (rprnt Indian Churchman)anony1883v5-Novemberp51
The TheosophistAn Avatar of Christ - (Keshub Chunder Sen)anony1883v5-Novemberp51
The TheosophistA Christian Minister on TheosophyCHA Dall & Ed.y1883v5-Novemberp52
The TheosophistAnswers to Correspondentsvariousy1883v5-Novemberp53
The TheosophistLtte - Solar Spots Again: A Blue Rayless Sun & Aryan WisdomN Chidambaram Iyery1883v5-Novemberp53
The TheosophistThe Brahmin Caste, Pariah & PindamA. Sankariahy1883v5-Novemberp54
The TheosophistThe Saracens of Theosophy & the Madras Crusadersanon (HPB)y1883v5-Dec+p23
The TheosophistImportant Notice - To our Subscribers & Fellowsanon (HPB)y1883v5-Dec+p23
The TheosophistAn Anglo-Indian theosophist on the Bishop of MadrasHRM (? General Henry Rhodes Morgan)y1883v5-Dec+p26
The TheosophistA Hindu Hymn to a MahatmaThakur Hurisingji Rupsinghjiy1883v5-Dec+p27
Showing 2551 to 2600 of 211352 entries