Lucifer | The Birth of Light (from Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie by Alphonse Louis Constant, 1856, Paris, 2 vols) | Eliphas Levi (1810-1875) | y1887 | v1 | - | September | p52 |
Lucifer | A True Theosophist (Count Leo N Tolstoi (1828 - 1910)) | AIR | y1887 | v1 | - | September | p55 |
Lucifer | A Ghost's Revenge (1) | Tighe Hopkins | y1887 | v1 | - | September | p63 |
Lucifer | review - Buddhism in Christendom, or Jesus the Essene by Arthur Lillie | The Adversary | y1887 | v1 | - | September | p71 |
Lucifer | Literary Jottings | "The Adversary" (HPB) | y1887 | v1 | - | September | p71 |
Lucifer | review - The Book of Life by Siddartha Vonisa | The Adversary | y1887 | v1 | - | September | p74 |
Lucifer | correspondence - (The belief in the power & efficacy of talismans) | Beta (? HPB) | y1887 | v1 | - | September | p76 |
Lucifer | correspondence - Astrological Notes (I) | Nemo (? Francisco Montoliu) | y1887 | v1 | - | September | p76 |
Lucifer | Theosophical & Mystic Publications - various | anon (HPB) | y1887 | v1 | - | September | p77 |
Lucifer | From the Note-Book of an Unpopular Philosopher | anon (HPB) | y1887 | v1 | - | September | p80 |
Le Lotus | Fausses conceptions, réponse à Aleph | HP Blavatsky | y1887 | v1 | - | septembre | p321 |
Le Lotus | L'Initiation (suite) | FCh Barlet | y1887 | v1 | - | septembre | p338 |
Le Lotus | La Théosophie dans les ouvrages de Richard Wagner (suite) (rprnt) | W Ashton Ellis | y1887 | v1 | - | septembre | p349 |
Le Lotus | Le Comte de Gabalis (suite) | Abbé de Villars | y1887 | v1 | - | septembre | p367 |
Le Lotus | Poème - Tout ou rien | Amaravella (EJ Coulomb) | y1887 | v1 | - | septembre | p377 |
Le Lotus | Pensées | divers | y1887 | v1 | - | septembre | p377 |
Le Lotus | Faits et nouvelles | Editeur | y1887 | v1 | - | septembre | p378 |
Le Lotus | Revue des journaux et périodiques | Editeur | y1887 | v1 | - | septembre | p379 |
Le Lotus | Revue des conférences | LD (Louis Dramard) (?-1888) | y1887 | v1 | - | septembre | p379 |
Le Lotus | Revue - `L'Occultisme contemporain` de Papus | Editeur | y1887 | v1 | - | septembre | p381 |
Le Lotus | Revue - `Le Lucifer` revue dirigée par HP Blavatsky et Mabel Collins | Editeur | y1887 | v1 | - | septembre | p381 |
Le Lotus | Revue - `Cours de magnétisme` de Louis Monod | Editeur | y1887 | v1 | - | septembre | p381 |
Le Lotus | Revue - `Revue des Sciences hypnotiques` | Editeur | y1887 | v1 | - | septembre | p381 |
Le Lotus | Revue - `Cours d'astrologie` de Ely Star | Editeur | y1887 | v1 | - | septembre | p381 |
Le Lotus | Petit bulletin théosophique | Editeur | y1887 | v1 | - | septembre | p382 |
Le Lotus | Séance inaugurale de l'Isis et renseignements | LD (Louis Dramard) | y1887 | v1 | - | septembre | p382 |
Lucifer | The Lady of Light (vf) | Gerald Massey (1828-1907) | y1887 | v1 | - | October | p81 |
Lucifer | Miscellaneous Notes | (HPB) | y1887 | v1 | - | October | p82 |
Lucifer | The Signs of the Times | anon (HPB) | y1887 | v1 | - | October | p83 |
Lucifer | Self-Knowledge | (HP Blavatsky) (BDZ uncertain) | y1887 | v1 | - | October | p89 |
Lucifer | Comments on Light on the Path by the author (2) | (triangle symbol, ttt) | y1887 | v1 | - | October | p90 |
Lucifer | Will & Desire | (HP Blavatsky) | y1887 | v1 | - | October | p96 |
Lucifer | A Law of Life: Karma (2) | Archibald Keightley | y1887 | v1 | - | October | p97 |
Lucifer | filler | Jasper Niemand (Julia WL Keightley) | y1887 | v1 | - | October | p101 |
Lucifer | A Ghost's Revenge (2) | Tighe Hopkins | y1887 | v1 | - | October | p102 |
Lucifer | The Origin of Evil | HPB | y1887 | v1 | - | October | p109 |
Lucifer | filler | Jasper Niemand | y1887 | v1 | - | October | p119 |
Lucifer | The Great Paradox | "Faust" (HPB) | y1887 | v1 | - | October | p120 |
Lucifer | filler | LSC | y1887 | v1 | - | October | p122 |
Lucifer | The Blossom & The Fruit: The True Story of a Magician (2) | Mabel Collins = Mrs Kenningale Cook | y1887 | v1 | - | October | p123 |
Lucifer | Desire Made Pure | (HP Blavatsky) | y1887 | v1 | - | October | p133 |
Lucifer | filler | anon | y1887 | v1 | - | October | p133 |
Lucifer | 2 fillers | Jasper Niemand | y1887 | v1 | - | October | p133 |
Lucifer | Thoughts on Theosophy | ttt | y1887 | v1 | - | October | p134 |
Lucifer | correspondence - Are the Teachings Ascribed to Jesus Contradictory? | Gerald Massey | y1887 | v1 | - | October | p135 |
Lucifer | To the author of Light on the Path | Interrogator | y1887 | v1 | - | October | p138 |
Lucifer | reply to "Interrogator" | (Mabel Collins) | y1887 | v1 | - | October | p139 |
Lucifer | (In the interesting & lucid article on "Karma" in ...) | Interrogator | y1887 | v1 | - | October | p140 |
Lucifer | reply to Interrogator | Ed. | y1887 | v1 | - | October | p140 |
Lucifer | review - The Kabbalah Unveiled tr by SL MacGregor Mathers | William Wynn Westcott (1848-1925) | y1887 | v1 | - | October | p141 |