Storing Wisdom for the Future | Mollie Griffith | y1971 | v28 | i129 | Winter | p9 |
Man's Enduring Hope | George Cardinal LeGros | y1971 | v28 | i129 | Winter | p11 |
Practical Occultism | H P Blavatsky | y1971 | v28 | i129 | Winter | p12 |
Virtue in Action | Dara Eklund | y1971 | v28 | i129 | Winter | p14 |
A Dynamic Movement | Boris de Zirkoff | y1972 | v28 | i130 | Spring | p3 |
Universal Brotherhood | Talbot Mundy | y1972 | v28 | i130 | Spring | p5 |
The Mahatmas as Ideals and Facts | William Q Judge | y1972 | v28 | i130 | Spring | p8 |
Chaos or Cosmos | George Cardinal LeGros | y1972 | v28 | i130 | Spring | p11 |
Divine Participation | Montague A Machell | y1972 | v28 | i130 | Spring | p14 |
cover portrait - Elias Ashmole - 1617-1692 | (attrib.) John Riley | y1972 | v29 | i131 | Summer | p1 |
Theosophical Ecology | Boris de Zirkoff | y1972 | v29 | i131 | Summer | p3 |
Is Theosophy Cold? | Mollie Griffith | y1972 | v29 | i131 | Summer | p5 |
Responsibility | Montague A Machell | y1972 | v29 | i131 | Summer | p7 |
Theosophy and the Jesus Problem | Richard Sattelberg | y1972 | v29 | i131 | Summer | p8 |
Sunset Prayer | George Cardinal LeGros | y1972 | v29 | i131 | Summer | p12 |
The Use of Abuse | Dara Eklund | y1972 | v29 | i131 | Summer | p13 |
From Letters to a Friend (6) | W Emmett Small | y1972 | v29 | i131 | Summer | p14 |
cover photo - Sir William Crookes - 1832-1919 | anon | y1972 | v29 | i132 | Fall | p1 |
Builders of the New Age | Boris de Zirkoff | y1972 | v29 | i132 | Fall | p3 |
Theosophy and Capital Punishment | William Q Judge | y1972 | v29 | i132 | Fall | p4 |
Nirvana Now! | George Cardinal LeGros | y1972 | v29 | i132 | Fall | p6 |
Superstition and the Psychic Real | Lina Psaltis | y1972 | v29 | i132 | Fall | p9 |
Reincarnation | Montague A Machell | y1972 | v29 | i132 | Fall | p12 |
Linear Discipline | Dara Eklund | y1972 | v29 | i132 | Fall | p14 |
cover photo - Alfred Russel Wallace - 1832-1913 | anon | y1972 | v29 | i133 | Winter | p1 |
Keep the Teachings Clear! | Boris de Zirkoff | y1972 | v29 | i133 | Winter | p3 |
Deity and Karman | G de Purucker | y1972 | v29 | i133 | Winter | p5 |
Notes on Chelaship | L Gordon Plummer | y1972 | v29 | i133 | Winter | p8 |
Must I Remember? | Montague A Machell | y1972 | v29 | i133 | Winter | p12 |
The Search for Identity | Dara Eklund | y1972 | v29 | i133 | Winter | p14 |
cover photo - Gustav Theodor Fechner - 1801-1887 | anon | y1973 | v29 | i134 | Spring | p1 |
Let's Transcend Ourselves | Boris de Zirkoff | y1973 | v29 | i134 | Spring | p3 |
The Beacon of the Unknown | HP Blavatsky | y1973 | v29 | i134 | Spring | p4 |
Philosophy for Tomorrow | Richard Sattelberg | y1973 | v29 | i134 | Spring | p8 |
Mysticism | Montague A Machell | y1973 | v29 | i134 | Spring | p11 |
From Letters to a Friend (7) | W Emmett Small | y1973 | v29 | i134 | Spring | p13 |
The Gold of Silence | Dara Eklund | y1973 | v29 | i134 | Spring | p15 |
cover photo - N Sri Ram | anon | y1973 | v30 | i135 | Summer | p1 |
Towards a New Stage-Setting | Boris de Zirkoff | y1973 | v30 | i135 | Summer | p3 |
Alchemy in the Nineteenth Century | H P Blavatsky | y1973 | v30 | i135 | Summer | p5 |
In What Sense is Theosophy Important? | Montague A Machell | y1973 | v30 | i135 | Summer | p7 |
Avalokitesvara | L Gordon Plummer | y1973 | v30 | i135 | Summer | p9 |
From Letters to a Friend (8) | W Emmett Small | y1973 | v30 | i135 | Summer | p12 |
The Final War | Dara Eklund | y1973 | v30 | i135 | Summer | p14 |
Self-Knowledge | anon | y1973 | v30 | i135 | Summer | p15 |
cover photo - Countess Constance Georgina Louise Wachtmeister - 1838-1910 | anon | y1973 | v30 | i136 | Fall | p1 |
Our Untapped Resources | Boris de Zirkoff | y1973 | v30 | i136 | Fall | p3 |
A Hundred Years Ago (1) | Boris de Zirkoff | y1973 | v30 | i136 | Fall | p5 |
Don't Copy - Create! | Montague A Machell | y1973 | v30 | i136 | Fall | p8 |
A Crucible for Self-Discovery | Dara Eklund | y1973 | v30 | i136 | Fall | p10 |