The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Sunshine Coast Lodge

Adyar Newsletter

List of Donations: Rs 5,000 and Above - Donations to the Theosophical Society (TS) - 1 April to 30 June 2019anony2019--June-July-Augustp8
Donations to the Olcott Education Society - 1 June 2019 to 31 August 2019anony2019--June-July-Augustp8
Green Jewel Bug on a Grass Flower [illustration]A Chandrasekarany2019--September-October-Novemberp1
Annie Besant's Birthday Celebrationanony2019--September-October-Novemberp2
Foundation Dayanony2019--September-October-Novemberp2
Puja Celebrations at Adyaranony2019--September-October-Novemberp3
Music in the Parkanony2019--September-October-Novemberp4
Tim Boyd's Birthday Celebration at the International Headquartersanon2y2019--September-October-Novemberp5
Yoga Classes for Residents and Workersanony2019--September-October-Novemberp5
The Besant Memorial Animal Dispensary (BMAD)anony2019--September-October-Novemberp6
Return of the Jackalanony2019--September-October-Novemberp7
Adyar Nature and Environment Centre (ANEC) Film showanony2019--September-October-Novemberp7
Plastics Driveanony2019--September-October-Novemberp7
Passed to Peace [Ms S Lucia] [obit]anony2019--September-October-Novemberp8
Donations to the Theosophical Society (TS) - 1 July to 30 September 2019anony2019--September-October-Novemberp8
Donations to the Adyar Theosophical Academy (ATA) - 1 July to 30 September 2019anony2019--September-October-Novemberp8
Donations to the Olcott Education Society - 1 September to 30 September 2019anony2019--September-October-Novemberp8
Coppersmith Barbet [illustration]A Chandrasekarany2019-20--December-January-Februaryp1
Adyar Dayanony2019-20--December-January-Februaryp2
Shifting of the Archivesanony2019-20--December-January-Februaryp3
Headquarters Hall Garden Renovation Projectanony2019-20--December-January-Februaryp3
New Appointment [Dr Radha Raghunathan as the Director and General Editor of the Adyar Library and Research Centre (ALRC) in November 2019]anony2019-20--December-January-Februaryp4
Republic Day Celebrationsanony2019-20--December-January-Februaryp5
Sports Day Celebration At The Ts Schoolsanony2019-20--December-January-Februaryp5
Pongal Celebrationanony2019-20--December-January-Februaryp6
The Adyar Nature And Environment Centre (ANEC)anony2019-20--December-January-Februaryp6
Christmas Tea Partyanony2019-20--December-January-Februaryp7
Rare Manuscripts Discovered at the Adyar Library Research Centre (ALRC) [two unpublished manuscripts by Sri Sadasiva Brahmendra]anony2019-20--December-January-Februaryp7
Donations to the Theosophical Society (TS) - 1 October to 31 December 2019anony2019-20--December-January-Februaryp8
Donations to the Olcott Education Society - 1 October to 31 December 2019anony2019-20--December-January-Februaryp8
The Spotted Owlet amidst Bracket Fungi [illustration]A Chandrasekarany2020--March-April-Mayp1
Pandemic And Lockdown In The Tsanony2020--March-April-Mayp2
White Lotus Dayanony2020--March-April-Mayp4
Besant Memorial Animal Dispensary (Bmad) Newsanony2020--March-April-Mayp4
Nature Notes (Ts) During The Lockdownanony2020--March-April-Mayp5
Leaves From The Archives [The Story of how Electricity and Water came to Adyar]anony2020--March-April-Mayp6
List of Donations: Rs 10,000 and Above - Donations to the Theosophical Society (TS) - 1 January to 31 May 2020anony2020--March-April-Mayp7
Donations To The Olcott Education Society - 1 January to 31 May 2020anony2020--March-April-Mayp8
Purple-rumped Sunbird [illustration]RR Chariy2020--June-July-Augustp1
Status of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Chennaianony2020--June-July-Augustp2
Pandemic Scare and the Closure of Schoolsanony2020--June-July-Augustp3
The Besant Memorial Animal Dispensary (BMAD)anony2020--June-July-Augustp5
Independence Day Celebrationsanony2020--June-July-Augustp5
Leaves From The Archives [The Story of the White Elephants; Colonel Olcott’s dream]anony2020--June-July-Augustp6
Donations to the Theosophical Society (TS) 1 June to 17 August 2020anony2020--June-July-Augustp8
Donations To The Olcott Education Society - 1 June to 17 August 2020anony2020--June-July-Augustp8
A Pair of Indian Stone-Curlews [illustration]A Chandrasekarany2020--September-October-Novemberp1
Dr Annie Besant's Birthday Celebrationanony2020--September-October-Novemberp2
Remembering Radhaji - 31 October 2020anony2020--September-October-Novemberp2
Foundation Day Celebration at Adyaranony2020--September-October-Novemberp3
Showing 2551 to 2600 of 2642 entries