The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Sunshine Coast Lodge


Dionysius the Areopagite: His Mythical TheologyJulie Parkery2013v4i1Springp26
The Sacred FeminineB Seabourney2013v4i1Springp30
[Psyche and Amor][image: source Wikipedia][Francois Gerard]y2013v4i1Springp31
Call for Papers - Enchanted Modernities: Theosophy and the arts in the modern world - A Conference at the University of Amsterdam 25-27 September 2013anony2013v4i1Springp32
Speaker's Diary March April May and June 2013anony2013v4i1Springp33
Obituary - Paulina Mucha (1951-2012)Colin Boycey2013v4i1Springp36
London Programme of Events - January-March 2013 [Theme: Theosophy: The Utopian Dream]anony2013v4i1Springp37
Summer School 2013Jenny Bakery2013v4i1Springp41
Summer School Programmeanony2013v4i1Springp42
Albert Einstein [image] [photograph by Yousuf Karsh (1948): source Wikipedia]Yousuf Karshy2013v4i2Summerp1
Spiritual and Esoteric Philosophers and their PhilosophiesBarry Seabourney2013v4i2Summerp2
From the Editor's DeskEric McGoughy2013v4i2Summerp4
The Cosmic Religion of Cosmosism - The Union of the Cosmos with the Human SoulBarry Seabourney2013v4i2Summerp6
Romanticism and Wu WeiBarry Seabourney2013v4i2Summerp14
The Bard 1817 [image] [source: Wikipedia Commons]John Martiny2013v4i2Summerp15
H P Blavatsky (1831-1891) - Co-Founder of The Theosophical SocietyEric McGoughy2013v4i2Summerp16
RomanticismBarry Seabourney2013v4i2Summerp20
Wanderer above the Sea of Fog [image] [source: Wikipedia]Caspar David Friedrichy2013v4i2Summerp21
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)Barry Seabourney2013v4i2Summerp22
The Foundation for Theosophical Studies Presents... - The Theosophical Summer School 2013 - at the University of Chester - Saturday 3rd August-Saturday 10th August 2013 - Foundations of Esoteric Philosophy [notice, programme, application form etc]anony2013v4i2Summerp24
Neoclassicism - Jean August IngresBarry Seabourney2013v4i2Summerp26
[Napoleon I on his Imperial Throne] [image] [source: Wikipedia]Jean August Ingresy2013v4i2Summerp27
Carl Gustav Jung (26 July 1875-6 June 1961)Barry Seabourney2013v4i2Summerp28
OshoBarry Seabourney2013v4i2Summerp30
Ouspensky and the Fourth WayBarry Seabourney2013v4i2Summerp33
The Philosophy of Alice A BaileyChristine Morgany2013v4i2Summerp35
Peace Malaanony2013v4i2Summerp38
Foundation for Theosophical Studiesanony2013v4i2Summerp41
Speaker's Diary from June/July/August 2013anony2013v4i2Summerp42
London Programme of Events - June-July-August 2013 [Theme: Spiritual Alchemy]anony2013v4i2Summerp43
['The Messenger'] [image] [source: wikipedia/wikipaintings]Nicholas Roerichy2013v4i3Autumnp1
The World of Nicholas and Helena RoerichAlan Seniory2013v4i3Autumnp2
From the Editor's DeskEric McGoughy2013v4i3Autumnp4
A Painter's Progressanony2013v4i3Autumnp6
'A Fleeting Vision': Origins of 'The Rite'anony2013v4i3Autumnp9
The War Years and an Expeditionanony2013v4i3Autumnp11
The Poems of Nicholas Roerichanony2013v4i3Autumnp12
The Roerich Pact and Banner of Peaceanony2013v4i3Autumnp14
Roerich's Himalayan Paintingsanony2013v4i3Autumnp15
The Last Years and the Teachings in Russiaanony2013v4i3Autumnp18
'She Who Leads': The Influence of Helena Roerichanony2013v4i3Autumnp20
'The Mother of the World'anony2013v4i3Autumnp22
Roerich on the Power of Artanony2013v4i3Autumnp23
Theosophy and Agni Yoga [shortened version of website article]Natalia Kovaliovay2013v4i3Autumnp24
Roerich's 'The Burning of Darkness'Frank Perryy2013v4i3Autumnp28
Roerich's Philosophy of Fireanony2013v4i3Autumnp29
Maitreya Sangaanony2013v4i3Autumnp33
The Roerich Museum New YorkAlan Seniory2013v4i3Autumnp35
'The Master's Command'Alan Seniory2013v4i3Autumnp36
Some Important Books on Roerichanony2013v4i3Autumnp37
Showing 251 to 300 of 481 entries