Nostradamus | anon | y1981 | v7 | i11 | Nov | p519 |
Jnaneshvar: An Indian Tale | anon | y1981 | v7 | i11 | Nov | p527 |
Ahimsa Yagna [reprint from 'Light on the Path'] | anon | y1981 | v7 | i12 | Dec | p529 |
The Rebirth of Humanity | anon | y1981 | v7 | i12 | Dec | p530 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1981 | v7 | i12 | Dec | p545 |
Symbols: The City | anon | y1981 | v7 | i12 | Dec | p546 |
Spirituality and Progress [reprint from 'Spiritual Contributions to Social Progress' The Wall Street Journal 29 October 1981] | Tenzin Gyatso | y1981 | v7 | i12 | Dec | p556 |
Mahakaruna [reprint from 'dbU ma la 'jug pa'i rgya cher bshad pa dgongs pa rab gsal II 2'] | Tsong-Kha-Pa | y1981 | v7 | i12 | Dec | p560 |
Contemplation (vf) | John of the Cross | y1981 | v7 | i12 | Dec | p562 |
Jiva and Chit [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana'] | Valmiki | y1981 | v7 | i12 | Dec | p563 |
Correlations: Reminiscence | various | y1981 | v7 | i12 | Dec | p564 |
John of the Cross | anon | y1981 | v7 | i12 | Dec | p566 |
Parable of the Sower [reprint from 'The Gospel According to St Mark'] | anon | y1981 | v7 | i12 | Dec | p576 |
The Divine Resonance | WQ Judge | y1982 | v8 | i1 | Jan | p1 |
The Healing of Souls | anon | y1982 | v8 | i1 | Jan | p2 |
Symbols: The Fig Tree | anon | y1982 | v8 | i1 | Jan | p16 |
Wisdom and Folly [reprint from 'Tirukkural 43'] | Tiruvalluvar | y1982 | v8 | i1 | Jan | p26 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1982 | v8 | i1 | Jan | p27 |
Brahman [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana'] | Valmiki | y1982 | v8 | i1 | Jan | p28 |
Genesis (vf) | Theodore Roethke | y1982 | v8 | i1 | Jan | p29 |
Philanthropy and Conscience | Mahatma KH | y1982 | v8 | i1 | Jan | p30 |
Glossary | anon | y1982 | v8 | i1 | Jan | p33 |
The Cycle of Descent [reprint from 'dbU ma la 'jug pa'i rgya cher bshad pa dgongs pa rab gsal III 1'] | Tsong-Kha-Pa | y1982 | v8 | i1 | Jan | p34 |
Correlations: Soul-Growth | various | y1982 | v8 | i1 | Jan | p36 |
Anaxagoras | anon | y1982 | v8 | i1 | Jan | p38 |
The Invisible One: An Algonquian Legend | anon | y1982 | v8 | i1 | Jan | p47 |
Svasamvedana | Shri Shankaracharya | y1982 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p49 |
The Inmost Sanctuary | anon | y1982 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p50 |
The Immovable Sage | Dnyaneshwari | y1982 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p62 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1982 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p65 |
Symbols: The Pipe | anon | y1982 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p66 |
The Source (vf) [reprint from 'The Plumed Serpent'] | DH Lawrence | y1982 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p77 |
Chit and Ahankara [reprint from Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana'] | Valmiki | y1982 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p78 |
Correlations: The Adytum | various | y1982 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p80 |
Pellucid Wisdom [reprint from 'dbU ma la 'jug pa'i rgya cher bshad pa dgongs pa rab gsal IV 2'] | Tsong-Kha-Pa | y1982 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p82 |
Glossary | anon | y1982 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p84 |
Empedocles | anon | y1982 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p85 |
The Cure of Kabir: An Indian Tale | anon | y1982 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p95 |
The Parent of the Practical | Thomas Carlyle | y1982 | v8 | i3 | Mar | p97 |
The Vigil Night of Humanity | anon | y1982 | v8 | i3 | Mar | p98 |
Symbols: The Tetraktys | anon | y1982 | v8 | i3 | Mar | p109 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1982 | v8 | i3 | Mar | p119 |
Forerunners (vf) | Ralph Waldo Emerson | y1982 | v8 | i3 | Mar | p120 |
Delusion and Awakening | Tenzin Gyatso | y1982 | v8 | i3 | Mar | p122 |
Glossary | anon | y1982 | v8 | i3 | Mar | p127 |
Classes of Beings [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana'] | Valmiki | y1982 | v8 | i3 | Mar | p128 |
A Drop of Honey: A Burmese Tale | anon | y1982 | v8 | i3 | Mar | p131 |
The Joyful Bodhisattva [reprint from 'dbU ma la 'jug pa'i rgya cher bshad pa dgongs pa rab gsal V 1 passim'] | Tsong-Kha-Pa | y1982 | v8 | i3 | Mar | p132 |
Correlations: Spirit, Motive and Thought | various | y1982 | v8 | i3 | Mar | p134 |
Basilides | anon | y1982 | v8 | i3 | Mar | p136 |