Ltte - re Wakeup Call | Nicholas Weeks | y2000 | v15 | - | October | p16 |
Ltte - re Wakeup Call. Harsh judgement | Dara Eklund | y2000 | v15 | - | October | p17 |
Statement of Ownership, Management and Ciculation | Richard Slusser | y2000 | v15 | - | October | p18 |
Mantra | eds | y2000 | v15 | - | November | p1 |
Mantras for Everyday Life (rprnt 'It's a Meaningful Life') | Bo Lozoff | y2000 | v15 | - | November | p3 |
review - 'It's a Meaningful Life - It Just Takes Prctice' by Bo Lozoff | eds | y2000 | v15 | - | November | p5 |
The Origin and Evolution of Man (16) | Adam Warcup | y2000 | v15 | - | November | p6 |
Be Still and Know that You Am God (rprnt 'Just Another Spiritual Book') | Bo Lozoff | y2000 | v15 | - | November | p7 |
What is a mantram? | (rprnt 'BCW') | y2000 | v15 | - | November | p9 |
A German Mystic's Teachings (rprnt 'Path' 1888) | (WQ Judge) | y2000 | v15 | - | November | p11 |
Secret Doctrine Question and Answer Section (rprnt 'Canadian Theosophist' 1969) | Geoffrey a Barborka | y2000 | v15 | - | November | p13 |
Ltte - Responses to Richard Christiansen (re HCT, Geoffrey Farthing) | anon | y2000 | v15 | - | November | p16 |
Ltte - Responses to Richard Christiansen (re HCT, Geoffrey Farthing) | Katinka Hesselink | y2000 | v15 | - | November | p17 |
Ltte - (re HCT, Geoffrey Farthing) | Jose Ramon Sordo | y2000 | v15 | - | November | p19 |
A True Story | Marty | y2000 | v15 | - | November | p27 |
The Third Object - Road to Black Magic? | eds | y2000 | v15 | - | December | p1 |
The Powers Latent in Man (rprnt 'Canadian Theosophist' 1960) | Rohit Mehta | y2000 | v15 | - | December | p2 |
Ltte - An Inmate correspondent writes: | anon and ed | y2000 | v15 | - | December | p7 |
From 'The Science of Meditation' (rpnt) | Rohit Mehta | y2000 | v15 | - | December | p8 |
Secret Doctrine Question and Answer Section (rprnt 'Canadian Theosophist' 1969) | Geoffrey A Barborka | y2000 | v15 | - | December | p12 |
The Origin and Evolution of Man (17) | Adam Warcup | y2000 | v15 | - | December | p14 |
obituary - Abhinyano (Gerhard Rohde) | anon | y2000 | v15 | - | December | p16 |
Ltte - from Netherlands | Willy Schmit | y2000 | v15 | - | December | p17 |
Ltte - from Brasilia | Carlos Cadroso Aveline | y2000 | v15 | - | December | p18 |
HCT Editors reply | eds | y2000 | v15 | - | December | p19 |
The Mystery of HP Blavatsky (condensed from 'HP Blavatsky: The Mystery) | G de Purucker | y2001 | v16 | - | January | p1 |
The Inner God (rprnt 'HP Blavatsky: The Mystery) | G de Purucker | y2001 | v16 | - | January | p4 |
Chaitanyamatmaa (Shiva Sutra 1.1) The Self is Consciousness (extract) | anon | y2001 | v16 | - | January | p6 |
Man's Origin and Evolution (18) | Adam Warcup | y2001 | v16 | - | January | p7 |
Secret Doctrine Question and Answer Section (rprnt 'Canadian Theosophist' 1970) | Geoffrey A Barborka | y2001 | v16 | - | January | p9 |
Note on Laura Holloway | ed | y2001 | v16 | - | January | p12 |
Madame Blavatsky and the Masters. Precipitated Letters (rprnt 'Word' 1912) | LCL (Laura C Holloway) | y2001 | v16 | - | January | p13 |
An Esotericist's Journey in America (5) | Yuri Gorbunov (trans David Keane) | y2001 | v16 | - | January | p16 |
Abstracts of The High Country Theosophist | anon | y2001 | v16 | - | January | p25 |
Changing the World | David Pratt | y2001 | v16 | - | February | p1 |
Theosophy on Internet | anon | y2001 | v16 | - | February | p7 |
The Mahatma Letters addressed to Laura C Holloway - re path of Chelaship(2) (rprnt 'Blavatsky Archives') | anon | y2001 | v16 | - | February | p8 |
An Esotericist's Journey in America (5) | Yuri Gorbunov, trans David Keane | y2001 | v16 | - | February | p11 |
Secret Doctrine Question and Answer Section (rprnt 'Canadian Theosophist' 1970) | Geoffrey A Barborka | y2001 | v16 | - | February | p17 |
Man's Origin and Evolution (19) | Adam Warcup | y2001 | v16 | - | February | p20 |
A Sharing | Marty Lyman | y2001 | v16 | - | February | p22 |
Our Extraordinary Times and Extraordinary Beings | eds | y2001 | v16 | - | March | p1 |
One reader wrote:... | eds | y2001 | v16 | - | March | p7 |
A True Guru (rprnt - 'Where Are You Going') | Muktananda | y2001 | v16 | - | March | p9 |
The Teacher (rprnt - 'Way to Freedom') | Dalai Lama | y2001 | v16 | - | March | p12 |
review - 'Extraordinary Times Extraordinary Beings' by Wayne S Peterson | eds | y2001 | v16 | - | March | p18 |
I belong to everyone (vf) (rprnt - 'Emergence Quarterly' 2000) | Maitreya | y2001 | v16 | - | March | p19 |
Secret Doctrine Question and Answer Section (rprnt - 'Canadian Theosophist' 1970) | Geoffrey A Barborka | y2001 | v16 | - | March | p20 |
Man's Origin and Evolution (20) | Adam Warcup | y2001 | v16 | - | March | p22 |
Alice Bailey Teachings Examined | eds, JR Sordo | y2001 | v16 | - | April | p1 |