The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Sunshine Coast Lodge

The Irish Theosophist

The Fountain of Shadowy Beauty (long poem)AEy1896v5-Decemberp49
International Representatives' SuggestionsDNDy1896v5-Decemberp55
Editorial Notes(DN Dunlop)y1896v5-Decemberp57
The Theosophical Society in Europe (Ireland)Fred J Dicky1896v5-Decemberp60
The Bhagavad Gita in Practical Life (4)Julia WL Keightleyy1897v5-Januaryp62
The Awakening of the Fires (1)AEy1897v5-Januaryp66
The Third EyeBasil Crumpy1897v5-Januaryp69
New Year in the New LandCharles Johnstony1897v5-Januaryp70
On AttentionA.y1897v5-Januaryp72
The Land of Youth - A Story for ChildrenKB Lawrencey1897v5-Januaryp74
review - Pleasure & Pain by Mabel Collinsanony1897v5-Januaryp79
The Theosophical Society in Europe (Ireland) 2nd Annual ConventionRobt E Coatesy1897v5-Januaryp80
The Bhagavad Gita in Practical Life (5)Julia WL Keightleyy1897v5-Februaryp81
The Awakening of the Fires (2)AEy1897v5-Februaryp85
Education in AmericaE.y1897v5-Februaryp89
A New Earth (vf)AEy1897v5-Februaryp91
The Future of the TSJulia WL Keightleyy1897v5-Februaryp92
Golden Grain (1) (cmpltn)DNDy1897v5-Februaryp93
Friendship(? DN Dunlop)y1897v5-Februaryp96
The Outlook (2)DNDy1897v5-Februaryp98
The Theosophical Society in Europe (Ireland) Important Notice - change of addressRobert E Coatesy1897v5-Februaryp100
The Bhagavad Gita in Practical Life (6)Julia WL Keightleyy1897v5-Marchp101
What the Other Man SaysVera Johnstony1897v5-Marchp106
Duality (vf)(AE)y1897v5-Marchp108
By-Paths in Occult ProgressCapricorn (? DN Dunlop)y1897v5-Marchp109
Our Secret TiesAEy1897v5-Marchp112
Ltte - Extracts from a Child's Letteranony1897v5-Marchp114
A New Translation of the Gospelsanony1897v5-Marchp116
The Outlook (3)DNDy1897v5-Marchp117
The Theosophical Society in Europe (Ireland)RE Coatesy1897v5-Marchp120
Dress Reformanony1897v5-Marchp120
Children's Dayanony1897v5-Marchp120
The Bhagavad Gita in Practical Life (7)Julia WL Keightleyy1897v5-Aprilp121
The Fire-Fountain of Loch LeinLaony1897v5-Aprilp124
Priest or Hero (1)AEy1897v5-Aprilp127
A Warrior's Weapons - The SwordRafe Hoptony1897v5-Aprilp131
The Supreme Moment (vf)Paul Gregan (1876 - 1945)y1897v5-Aprilp132
Robert Browning (1) His InspirationOmary1897v5-Aprilp133
Some Aspects of BrotherhoodAPDy1897v5-Aprilp135
Golden Grain (2) (cmpltn)(DND)y1897v5-Aprilp137
The Outlook (4)DNDy1897v5-Aprilp138
The Theosophical Society in Europe (Ireland)RE Coatesy1897v5-Aprilp140
The Bhagavad Gita in Practical Life (8)Julia WL Keightleyy1897v5-Mayp141
In Danaan DaysLaony1897v5-Mayp144
Priest or Hero (2)AEy1897v5-Mayp148
Robert Browning (2) His InwardnessOmary1897v5-Mayp152
At League with the Stones of the Field(a psychometrist)y1897v5-Mayp155
Showing 501 to 550 of 587 entries