Evidence for life after death (thirteen categories of survival evidence) | Boyce Batey | y1980 | v3 | - | January | p47 |
Announcement of Competition | Boyce Batey | y1980 | v3 | - | January | p51 |
The Academy of Religion & Psychical Research Annual Conference | anon | y1980 | v3 | - | January | p52 |
Ltte - replies to J Palmer (Evidence for reality of OBE's) | Frank C Tribbe | y1980 | v3 | - | January | p53 |
Ltte - (as one who experienced her first projection or OBE at the age of 23 years ...) | L Hammer | y1980 | v3 | - | January | p55 |
Consciousness & reality in the works of Lawrence LeShan | Nelson ST Thayer | y1980 | v3 | - | April | p57 |
Metapsychiatry: the confluence of psychiatry & mysticism | Stanley R Dean | y1980 | v3 | - | April | p81 |
Human consciousness & the Christian mystic: Teresa of Avila | Silvio E Fittipaldi | y1980 | v3 | - | April | p94 |
in full - Religious aspects of near-death experiences: some research findings & their implications | Kenneth Ring | y1980 | v3 | - | April | p105 |
The objectivist & the immanentist interpretation of mystical & related psychic experiences | Mary Carman Rose | y1980 | v3 | - | April | p115 |
Mysticism, dependency, & oral imagery | Mary Jo Meadow | y1980 | v3 | - | April | p122 |
Yoga - mysticism for millions? | Helen Paul Zinn | y1980 | v3 | - | April | p127 |
Fear & terror in religious experience: a theoretical commentary | Walter Houston Clark | y1980 | v3 | - | April | p134 |
Announcements - various | various | y1980 | v3 | - | April | p139 |
obituary - Joseph Banks Rhine dies (~1896-1980) | anon | y1980 | v3 | - | April | p141 |
review - The Highest State of Consciousness ed by John W White | Robert A. Smith | y1980 | v3 | - | April | p142 |
review - The Airmen (Airman) Who Would Not Die by John G Fuller | Frank C Tribbe | y1980 | v3 | - | April | p143 |
Ltte - (The Encyclopaedia of Death & Life in the Spirit World (1895 & 1900) ed by JR Francis) | Carlos S Alvarado | y1980 | v3 | - | April | p145 |
Ltte (Mr Tribbe seems to have misunderstood my article on OBE's) | John Palmer | y1980 | v3 | - | April | p146 |
Ltte (reply to L Hammer) | John Palmer | y1980 | v3 | - | April | p148 |
The parapsychology of religion: some priorities | Leslie Price | y1980 | v3 | - | July | p149 |
What is dying like? | Michael Perry | y1980 | v3 | - | July | p161 |
Christianity & parapsychology | William V Rauscher | y1980 | v3 | - | July | p170 |
Psi, Survival, & the Religious Outlook: Reflections on HD Lewis' Persons & Life After Death | Michael Grosso | y1980 | v3 | - | July | p180 |
Separating wheat & chaff: biblical discernment & parapsychology | Mark Albrecht & Brooks Alexander | y1980 | v3 | - | July | p192 |
What is meant by testing the spirits? | Leslie Price | y1980 | v3 | - | July | p210 |
From the earth to the heavens: dimensions of consciousness | Edward L Schultz | y1980 | v3 | - | July | p214 |
Universal experience of divine "personality" | Edgar Wirt | y1980 | v3 | - | July | p220 |
Mystical Consciousness: Realization of Psychopathology | Mary Jo Meadow | y1980 | v3 | - | July | p226 |
The Academy of Religion & Psychical Research Annual Conference (Chicago) - summary of papers | anon | y1980 | v3 | - | July | p226 |
Non-Hypnotic Regression - A Transformative State of Consciousness | Frank C Tribbe | y1980 | v3 | - | July | p227 |
Psychedelic Drugs & the Mystical Experience - A Case Study | JoAnn Marie Beeson | y1980 | v3 | - | July | p227 |
The Holistic Approach to the Study of Altered States of Consciousness | Mary Carman Rose | y1980 | v3 | - | July | p228 |
Incidence of Near-Death & Intense Spiritual Experiences in an Intergenerational Sample | L Eugene Thomas | y1980 | v3 | - | July | p228 |
An Investigation of Apparent Paranormal Sounds occurring on Electronic Recording Equipment | Patricia M Clancy | y1980 | v3 | - | July | p230 |
Announcements - various | various | y1980 | v3 | - | July | p231 |
review - Life at Death: A Scientific Investigation of the Near-Death Experience by Kenneth Ring | Boyce Batey | y1980 | v3 | - | July | p235 |
Ltte - (evidence for survival after death) | Frank C Tribbe | y1980 | v3 | - | July | p237 |
Ltte - in response to the article by Nelson Thayer | Joyce Goodrich | y1980 | v3 | - | July | p238 |
Ltte (four lines have dropped from my article ...) | Michael Perry | y1980 | v3 | - | July | p238 |
Ltte - in response to the article by Walter Houston Clark | Helen S Bryans | y1980 | v3 | - | July | p239 |
Ltte - (popular metaphors for altered states) | Edgar Wirt | y1980 | v3 | - | July | p240 |
Vision & audition in biblical prophecy | Boyce M Bennett | y1980 | v3 | - | October | p245 |
Psyche evoking for our time: a path to transpersonal awareness | James Armstrong | y1980 | v3 | - | October | p269 |
William James: contributions to the psychology of religious conversion | Walter Houston Clark | y1980 | v3 | - | October | p287 |
The mystical Gospel of John: chapter 1 - the Word | Robert Winterhalter | y1980 | v3 | - | October | p297 |
Mystical experience as a spiritual round trip | Edgar Wirt | y1980 | v3 | - | October | p308 |
Notes on mental mediumship & memory | Carlos S Alvarado | y1980 | v3 | - | October | p312 |
"Feda" & "Phinuit": secondary personalities or independent surviving spirits? | Raymond Bayless | y1980 | v3 | - | October | p318 |
An ideal case for belief in survival (after death) | Robert T Radford | y1980 | v3 | - | October | p325 |