Auckland New Zealand - Report (New Zealand) | - | y1894 | v9 | i3 | June | p104 |
General Secretary's Tour (Judge) (1894/4/25) | anon | y1894 | v9 | i3 | June | p104 |
Sydney NSW - Report (Australia) | - | y1894 | v9 | i3 | June | p104 |
Points of Agreement in all Religions (spoken, 17/4/1894) (1894/4/17) | William Q Judge | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p105 |
Occultism the Higher Science | JHC | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p112 |
Nigamagama Dharma Sabha | William Q Judge | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p117 |
Universal Brotherhood & Admission of Members | WQJ | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p119 |
illustration - Faces of Friends - Mrs Isabel Cooper-Oakley | William Q Judge | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p122 |
How to Study the Secret Doctrine (1) | JH Fussell | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p124 |
An Ancient Telephone | William Q Judge | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p128 |
review - Lucifer May, 1894 | - | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p129 |
review - The Cosmopolitan June, 1894 | - | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p130 |
review - Theosophical Siftings v7 #4 | - | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p130 |
review - Theosophist May, 1894 | - | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p130 |
review - Transactions of the London Lodge No.20 | - | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p130 |
review - The Building of the Kosmos & other Lectures by Annie Besant | - | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p131 |
review - The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ Tr by Jas H Connelly & Leon Landsberg of a Tibetan MSS | - | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p131 |
Dr Franz Hartmann re Burial Alive - Report | - | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p132 |
Voice of the Silence. New American Edition (book) | anon | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p132 |
review - The Hermetic Art v3 Collectanea Hermetica ed by Dr Wynn Westcott | - | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p132 |
review - Theosophy Simply Put by a New York Reporter | - | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p132 |
review - Was ist die Mystik? by Carl Graf zu Leiningen-Billigheim | - | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p132 |
(Vyasa TS & Sarasvati TS of New Orleans united now) (1894/6/5) | Norman F de Clifford | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p133 |
Aryan TS Sunday Evening Lectures - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p133 |
Brooklyn TS Sunday Evening Lectures - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p133 |
Claude Falls Wright (1894/5/6) (tour) | anon | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p133 |
Denver TS President Wm S Wing. Chartered (1894/5/31) - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p133 |
Kalayana TS New Britain Conn moved - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p133 |
Lotus TS Kearney, Neb. & Gray's Harbor TS Hoquiam Wash. Charter Cancelled - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p133 |
Aurora TS Oakland, about to open Reading Room - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p134 |
Dr Griffiths visits towns - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p134 |
Harmony Lodge TS Los Angeles Calif Chartered (1894/6/8) - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p134 |
Keshava TS Riverside Calif Chartered (1894/5/31) - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p134 |
Mr B Harding lecturing in New England (tour) | anon | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p134 |
San Francisco Lectures continue - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p134 |
The Pacific Theosophical Corporation now legally incorporated - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p134 |
The Countess Wachtmeister, accompanying Mr Judge on Western Trip (tour) | anon | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p135 |
Aloha TS Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands Chartered (1894/6/14) - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p136 |
Auckland New Zealand resolved upon a Lotus Circle - Report (New Zealand) | - | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p136 |
Mrs MM Thirds, left for Honolulu (1894/6/29) - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p136 |
Sydney NSW celebrated White Lotus Day - Report (Australia) | - | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p136 |
Theosophical Correspondence Class - Report | - | y1894 | v9 | i4 | July | p136 |
Man's Duty to His Brother Brutes | JHC | y1894 | v9 | i5 | August | p137 |
Proofs of the Hidden Self. Through Dreams | William Q Judge | y1894 | v9 | i5 | August | p143 |
illustration - Faces of Friends - E Aug. Neresheimer | William Q Judge | y1894 | v9 | i5 | August | p145 |
How to Study the Secret Doctrine (2) (from p128) | JH Fussell | y1894 | v9 | i5 | August | p146 |
Theosophical Correspondence Class - Report (America) | - | y1894 | v9 | i5 | August | p150 |
review - Lucifer June, 1894 | - | y1894 | v9 | i5 | August | p154 |
review - Theosophical Siftings v7 #5 | - | y1894 | v9 | i5 | August | p154 |
review - Theosophist June, 1894 Old Diary Leaves 27 | - | y1894 | v9 | i5 | August | p154 |