The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Sunshine Coast Lodge

Elvis: The Song of his Soul

Public meeting, 2.00 - 3.00 pm, 20 November 2022.

Featured Speaker:Isolde Sueltemeyer
Venue:Sunshine Coast Lodge (meeting at Maroochydore Community Centre)

Isolde Sueltemeyer 20 November 2pm

Finishing off our year with something a little lighter yet deeply spiritual.

This presentation throws a special light on Elvis Presley, one of the most iconic figures of the 20th century, taking a different look at Elvis beyond his image as the 'King of Rock’n’roll'.

There is a deeper, spiritual side to this artist, who was not only a wonderful singer, whose unique voice continues to touch innumerable hearts, but also a great humanitarian and an avid student of esoteric teachings.


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