The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Sunshine Coast Lodge

The Theoscientist

Why TheoscientistChintamani Mohapatray1977v2i1-p1
The Nature of the MindN Mohapatray1977v2i1-p1
Permanent Atoms Ontogeny and Mutation, TheoscientistRC Rathy1977v2i1-p15
Supremacy of Sound in Cosmic Play (2)SK Dasy1977v2i1-p16
Physics of the concretion of observed RealityKSR Murtyy1977v2i1-p19
Senses and the Intellect in ScienceCelso Batalhay1978v2i2-p1
Heredity and reincarnationRC Rathy1978v2i2-p8
Theosophy - An integrated philosophyN Mohapatray1978v2i2-p12
Where They Meet & Where Science ErrsRC Rath (compiler)y1978v2i2-p23
The Yoga of non-identificationN Mohapatray1978v2i3-p13
Applied TheosophyRC Rathy1978v2i3-p20
Where They Meet & Where Science ErrsRC Rath (compiler)y1978v2i3-p25
Indian concept of MokhyaSK Chattopadhyayy1978v2i4-p1
Quantum MechanicsBS Mohantyy1978v2i4-p6
Consciousness as creative intelligence and modern CyberneticsRC Rathy1978v2i4-p13
Free will and predestinationN Mohapatray1978v2i4-p19
Where They Meet & Where Science ErrsRC Rath (compiler)y1978v2i4-p25
The Seeker and the SoughtApta Chaitanyay1979v3i1-p1a+
Impact of Science on human valuesRC Rathy1979v3i1-p1b+
On being NationalDebakanta Mishray1979v3i1-p7
Desireless, Detached and DesolateN Mohapatray1979v3i1-p12
Where They Meet & Where Science ErrsRC Rath (compiler)y1979v3i1-p18
Environment: Building a miserable futureDebakanta Mishray1979v3i2-p10
LearningApta Chaitanyay1979v3i2-p19
Quantum jump of logical and scientific reason to philosophical reasonSampooran Singhy1979v3i2-p23
Do not resent anythingN Mohapatray1979v3i2-p25
Where They Meet & Where Science ErrsRC Rath (compiler)y1979v3i2-p28
Theosophy of Modern ageRC Rathy1979v3i3-p3
Man as MicrocosmSadananda Misray1979v3i3-p8
Oneness of lifeN Mohapatray1979v3i3-p14
Mind and IntellectSC Mishray1979v3i3-p18
Where They Meet & Where Science ErrsRC Rath (compiler)y1979v3i3-p25
Theosophy is TheosophyN Mohapatray1979v3i4-p3
Understanding the Nuclear force. A Quest for the Elusive particlesDebakanta Mishray1979v3i4-p9
LifeApta Chaitanyay1979v3i4-p15
Death, the TransitionMC Mishray1979v3i4-p16
Involution the Key to EvolutionRC Rathy1979v3i4-p20
The Absolute, the basis of all creationAshoke Prasad Bosey1979v3i4-p26
Where They Meet & Where Science ErrsRC Rath (compiler)y1979v3i4-p30
The Spiritual Nature of 'Principle' and 'Person'RC Rathy1980v4i1-p1
Why ScienceN Mohapatray1980v4i1-p4
Epistemological Developments about the Nature of Physical SciencesDebakanta Mishray1980v4i1-p5
Aim of LifeApta Chaitanyay1980v4i1-p15
A Spiritual Significance of AstrologyDP Dasy1980v4i1-p16
Where They Meet & Where Science ErrsRC Rath (compiler)y1980v4i1-p22
Nature of Time in EvolutionRC Rathy1980v4i2-p1
Where They Meet & Where Science ErrsRC Rath (compiler)y1980v4i2-p21
Theosophical Approach to the problem of HealthRC Rathy1980v4i3-p6
Where They Meet & Where Science ErrsRC Rath (compiler)y1980v4i3-p24
The Vedantic View of Man, God and the UniverseSC Mishray1981v4i4-p9
Showing 1 to 50 of 350 entries