The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Sunshine Coast Lodge

The Theosophical Journal

[continuation of 'Theosophical News and Notes']-y1960v1i1Jan-Febp1
Editor's Noteedy1960v1i1Jan-Febp2
Fellow MembersLaurence J Bendity1960v1i1Jan-Febp3
On the Watch-Tower [reprint 'The Theosophist']Sidney A Cooky1960v1i1Jan-Febp5
Space, Space-Craft and Revelations [reprint 'The American Theosophist']James S Perkinsy1960v1i1Jan-Febp6
The Problem of Blood TransfusionLJ Bendity1960v1i1Jan-Febp9
Interplanetary CommunicationELSy1960v1i1Jan-Febp13
CorrespondenceFL Kunzy1960v1i1Jan-Febp14
Notices and Reportsvariousy1960v1i1Jan-Febp16
The Theosophical Society in IrelandEvelyn O Hornidgey1960v1i1Jan-Febp23
The Theosophical Society in ScotlandJean Carstairsy1960v1i1Jan-Febp24
The Theosophical Society in Northern IrelandHugh Shearmany1960v1i1Jan-Febp25
The Theosophical Society in WalesE Claudia Oweny1960v1i1Jan-Febp25
review: 'Vital Questions Answered' by Geoffrey HodsonVLPy1960v1i1Jan-Febp26
review: 'An Approach to the Occult' by Hugh ShearmanDGy1960v1i1Jan-Febp26
review: 'Inside the Living Cell' by JAV ButlerCGTy1960v1i1Jan-Febp27
review: 'Wisdom of the West' by Bertrand RussellLCSy1960v1i1Jan-Febp27
review: 'Science and Civilisation in China', Vol III by J NeedhamLCSy1960v1i1Jan-Febp27
review: 'Gnosis: Divine Wisdom' by Frithjof SchuonFFy1960v1i1Jan-Febp28
review: 'Unbounded Worlds' by LC BeckettCGTy1960v1i1Jan-Febp28
review: 'Ashanti Boy' by Akosua AbbsERy1960v1i1Jan-Febp29
The Adyar LibrarySeetha Neelakantany1960v1i1Jan-Febp30
[issue missing]-y1960v1i2Mar-Aprp1
[issue missing]-y1960v1i3May-Junp1
Fellow MembersLaurence J Bendity1960v1i4Jul-Augp2
Jung's Concept of the Self and Inner Experience (1) [reprint 'The American Theosophist']William M Nicholsony1960v1i4Jul-Augp4
What Theosophy Is (2)HW Adamsy1960v1i4Jul-Augp8
The Work of the Theosophical Society and the Present Moment - VIIJMEy1960v1i4Jul-Augp12
Something New out of the Soviet UnionLC Sopery1960v1i4Jul-Augp13
Research Centre Digestanony1960v1i4Jul-Augp13
WesakJM Purnelly1960v1i4Jul-Augp14
LetterJean Overton Fullery1960v1i4Jul-Augp15
LetterLC Sopery1960v1i4Jul-Augp15
LetterHugh Shearmany1960v1i4Jul-Augp16
Notices and Reportsvariousy1960v1i4Jul-Augp17
The Theosophical Order of ServiceAT Gainsfordy1960v1i4Jul-Augp26
obituary: Arthur Digby Besant died April 29 age 91anony1960v1i4Jul-Augp26
review: 'Doctor From Lhasa' by T Lobsang RampaLCSy1960v1i4Jul-Augp28
review: 'The Universe of Relationships' by JH ReynerCG Trewy1960v1i4Jul-Augp28
review: 'Madame Blavatsky on How to Study Theosophy' by Robert BowenJ Ransomy1960v1i4Jul-Augp28
review: 'Darwin and the Darwinian Revolution' by G HimmelfarbLC Sopery1960v1i4Jul-Augp29
The Theosophical Society in Northern IrelandHugh Shearmany1960v1i4Jul-Augp29
The Theosophical Society in ScotlandJean Carstairsy1960v1i4Jul-Augp30
The Theosophical Society in IrelandEvelyn O Hornidgey1960v1i4Jul-Augp30
[issue missing]-y1960v1i5Sep-Octp1
Fellow MembersLaurence J Bendity1960v1i6Nov-Decp2
The Character of the Society [reprint 'The Theosophist']N Sri Ramy1960v1i6Nov-Decp4
The Materialist IllusionNorman A Oughy1960v1i6Nov-Decp6
Trends in Occultism [reprint 'The Theosophist']N Yagnesvara Sastryy1960v1i6Nov-Decp9
The Cause of ManifestationGeorge Clarky1960v1i6Nov-Decp11
Showing 1 to 50 of 2730 entries