The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Sunshine Coast Lodge

The Theosophical Research Journal

Editorial (first issue from Wheaton, Ill, USA; now titled Theosophical Research Journal)anony1984v1-Marchp2
Science & the Ancient WisdomEmily Sellony1984v1-Marchp3
Facing Quantum Mechanical Reality (excerpts from Science 23 Sept 1983 p1251-1255)F Rohrlichy1984v1-Marchp12
Life on Earth according to HoyleHS Murdochy1984v1-Marchp16
review - The Moment of Creation by James S TrefilRoger S Jonesy1984v1-Marchp22
review - The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics as the Language of Nature by Heinz R PagelsRalph Hannony1984v1-Marchp24
Trees Talk to One Another (rprnt Science Digest Jan 1984)anony1984v1-Marchp24
EditorialRalph Hannon & Dora Kunzy1984v1-Junep26
Therapeutic Touch Workshopanony1984v1-Junep26
The Hypothesis of Formative CausationRupert Sheldrakey1984v1-Junep27
Reflections upon Science and MysticismE Lester Smithy1984v1-Junep34
Photographs or Holograms?George Douglasy1984v1-Junep42
Evolution & The Secret DoctrineDoss McDavidy1984v1-Septemberp55
Mind, Brain & Bio-Electric Fields: The Etheric Nexus?Richard Silbersteiny1984v1-Septemberp62
Theosophy & Contemporary ScienceRalph H Hannony1984v1-Septemberp74
review - The Mind by Anthony SmithE Lester Smithy1984v1-Septemberp77
review - The Intelligent Universe: A New View of Creation & Evolution by Fred HoyleE Lester Smithy1984v1-Septemberp78
Prayer of the Sun (Rig Veda 1. 164.6)anony1984v1-Septemberp79
Trees vs Brick Wallsanony1984v1-Septemberp80
Science & The Secret Doctrine: Some Interesting Parallels ... & Some Important DifferencesDoss McDavidy1984v1-Decemberp83
HP Blavatsky & Sir William Crookes: Influence of the MastersRalph H Hannony1984v1-Decemberp91
Prigogine's Science of Becoming (rprnt)anony1984v1-Decemberp97
review - Looking Glass Universe by John P Briggs & F David PeatJoy Millsy1984v1-Decemberp100
Morphogenetic Fields and Akasha. A conversation between Rupert Sheldrake, Dora Kunz, Renée Weber & Will Rossanony1985v2-Marchp3
(Introduction)Ralph H Hannony1985v2-Marchp3
Therapeutic Touch: A Reality Base for Alternate Health PracticesDolores Kriegery1985v2-Marchp15
review - Quantum Questions - Mystical Writings of the World's Great Physicists by Ken WilburHugh Murdochy1985v2-Marchp27
review - Star Wave by Fred Alan WolfVictor B Eichlery1985v2-Marchp29
News on Therapeutic Touch (rprnt New York Times March 26 1985)anony1985v2-Junep36
Interview between Shafica Karagulla, Ralph Hannon & Dora Kunzanony1985v2-Junep38
Consciousness & SpaceE Lester Smithy1985v2-Junep51
New Tricks from Old Dogs (rprnt The Guardian Jan 3 1985)Rupert Sheldrakey1985v2-Junep55
review - Ancient Wisdom - Modern Insight by Shirley NicholsonRalph H Hannony1985v2-Junep59
The Pineal: Modern View of an Ancient Gland (1)Victor Eichlery1985v2-Septemberp63
Science Update - review - The Universe: Inflation out of Chaos by Andrei Linde (rprnt NS 7th March 1985)Ralph Hannony1985v2-Septemberp69
The Door to a Healing Life Style: Therapeutic Touch & the New PhysicsConnie Croll-Youngy1985v2-Septemberp72
Dolores Krieger's "Therapeutic Touch Self-Knowledge Test" (abrdgd from The Therapeutic Touch by DK)anony1985v2-Septemberp81
review - The Secret Power of Music: The Transformation of Self & Society ... Musical Energy by David TameE Lester Smithy1985v2-Septemberp82
Intuition and ImaginationLE Girardy1985v2-Septemberp83
The Good, the True, the Beautiful: Are They Attributes of the Universe?Renee Webery1985v2-Decemberp87
Life & Mind in the UniverseVictor B Eichlery1985v2-Decemberp105
What Shall I Do with the Koestler Chair (extract from NS Sept 5 1985)Robert Morrisy1985v2-Decemberp109
review - Two Faces of Time by Lawrence W FaggDoss McDavidy1985v2-Decemberp111
The Duplicate WorldE Lester Smithy1986v3-Marchp2
Showing 1 to 50 of 100 entries