The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Sunshine Coast Lodge


Editorial Boardanony1977v21-1st Qp2
Editorial - History & Future of this Journal (now titled Theosophy Science)E Lester Smithy1977v21-1st Qp3
Geller-type PhenomenaE Lester Smithy1977v21-1st Qp5
review (rprntd The Theosophical Journal) - The Tao of Physics by Fritjof CapraCorona Trewy1977v21-1st Qp23
addendum to Corona Trew's review of Capra's bookE Lester Smithy1977v21-1st Qp24
Theosophical Education (long version)Emily Sellony1977v21-1st Qp25
Ltte - The True Economic ExpediencyFG Perryy1977v21-1st Qp32
Editorial Boardanony1977v21-2nd Qp37
The Theosophical World Trust for Education & ResearchVW Slatery1977v21-2nd Qp38
Research, Synthesis, IntegrationA. Kannany1977v21-2nd Qp39
Personal Experiencesanon (+ ed note by CGT)y1977v21-2nd Qp44
Switch on the LightFairlie Adamy1977v21-2nd Qp53
A New Dimension to Life/LivingRobin Keefey1977v21-2nd Qp59
Reports from Research Groups - EdinburghAdam McLeany1977v21-2nd Qp68
The Basic UnityBetty Pauly1977v21-3rd Qp72
Karma, An ExpositionDavid Besty1977v21-3rd Qp76
Life Universal (rprntd Theosophy in Australia April-June 1976)Hugh Murdochy1977v21-3rd Qp82
The Mystic Jan Van Ruysbroeck (1293-1381) (rprntd The Mountain Path)Gladys Dehmy1977v21-3rd Qp97
Tenacity of Biological LifeE Lester Smithy1977v21-3rd Qp103
"Don't Despise the Miracle" says NatureE Lester Smithy1977v21-3rd Qp104
Ltte - No Gap in the System - a reply to Mr FG PerryB Butterworthy1977v21-3rd Qp105
Editorialanony1977v21-4th Qp110
Ourselves (rprntd The Bulletin of the Theosophy-Science Research Association, Orissa)RC Rathy1977v21-4th Qp111
The Yin-Yang SymbolCorona Trewy1977v21-4th Qp113
Purpose for TomorrowPeter Bartony1977v21-4th Qp115
The Clearer Self (vf)Archibald Lampmany1977v21-4th Qp124
review - A Guide for the Perplexed by EF SchumacherE Lester Smithy1977v21-4th Qp125
Ltte - Personal ExperiencesMrs Ida Stepheny1977v21-4th Qp128
Theosophical Research Centre Weekend Conference - Levels of Consciousness - Programmeanony1978v22-1st Qp3
The Perceiving Self & the Potentialities of ManRenée Haynesy1978v22-1st Qp4
Matter, Force & ConsciousnessKVK Nehruy1978v22-1st Qp16
Our Responsibility for the FutureH Tudor Edmundsy1978v22-1st Qp21
Occult ForceJohn Gordon (introduction by CG Trew)y1978v22-1st Qp27
Editorial - Occult Chemistry reminiscencesE Lester Smithy1978v22-2nd Qp33
A Quark-Theoretical Basis for the Clairvoyant Observation of AtomsStephen M Phillipsy1978v22-2nd Qp35
The Subba Row Medal (rprntd The Theosophical Journal, Jan-Feb 1978)Dr E Lester Smithy1978v22-2nd Qp47
A Fresh Look at The Secret Doctrine (I)Basil Butterworthy1978v22-2nd Qp50
Sleep & MeditationE Lester Smithy1978v22-2nd Qp59
review - Research Into the Evidence of Man's Survival After Death by Dr Ian StevensonH Tudor Edmundsy1978v22-3rd Qp8
Physical PhenomenaProfessor AJ Ellisony1978v22-3rd Qp65
A Fresh Look at The Secret Doctrine (II) - A Case for Literary CriticismBasil Butterworthy1978v22-3rd Qp76
HP Blavatsky on the Origin of the PlanetsHugh S Murdochy1978v22-3rd Qp79
review - Science, Yoga & Theosophy, variousH Tudor Edmundsy1978v22-3rd Qp83
Ltte - Newton's Third Law, David Best, KarmaDr Hugh Murdochy1978v22-3rd Qp88
Theosophical ResearchForbes Perryy1978v22-4th Qp91
The Scientific Study of ReincarnationIanthe H Hoskinsy1978v22-4th Qp101
Mind, Matter & MedicineRichard Silbersteiny1978v22-4th Qp105
Joint Theosophical Society Conference on Impact of Science on Human Valuesanony1978v22-4th Qp116
Editorial CommentsLester Smith & Tudor Edmundsy1978v22-4th Qp116
The Theosophical Research Centre - Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, May, 1978anony1978v22-4th Qp117
Showing 1 to 50 of 207 entries