The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Sunshine Coast Lodge

The Aquarian Theosophist

Think of Your Sacred Missionanony2017v17i12Octoberp3
Humans as Younger Brothers of the Treesanony2017v17i12Octoberp4
Saturn in Capricorn: Nuclear Danger and Karmic Adjustment [from the book 'The Hundredth Monkey' see pp 21-22]Ken Keyes Jry2017v17i12Octoberp5
HPB on a Theosophical Atmosphere [from "Learning From Each and Every Event"]HP Blavatskyy2017v17i12Octoberp6
The Mystery of All Timeanony2017v17i12Octoberp7
Building the Next Civilizationanony2017v17i12Octoberp7
The Writings of an Eastern Master - 06 - Transcriptions from the Letters of Blavatsky's Teacher - Letter No 39 [from Letter XXXIX 'The Mahatma Letters' edited by A Trevor Barker see p253-254]Mahatma Letter with Editorial Note by CCA and notes by CCAy2017v17i12Octoberp8
Theosophy on Dogmatic Religionsanony2017v17i12Octoberp10
Whether Doubts Are Acceptable [from "Are Doubts Acceptable in Theosophy?"]anony2017v17i12Octoberp11
The New Texts in Our Websitesanony2017v17i12Octoberp11
A Few Words on a Book by Alice Cleather - HP Blavatsky: A Great Betrayal [from 'HP Blavatsky: A Great Betrayal']Alice Cleather; (CCA)y2017v17i12Octoberp12
Preserving the Roots of Life - The Sacred Side of Human Love is the Source and Foundation of Every Societyanony2017v18i1Novemberp1
The Ecology of Human Consciousness - Examining the Influence of the Environment Over Mental and Spiritual Life [from "Isis Unveiled" 1877, facsimile edition 1982 volume I pp211-212 with paragraph editing and added titles for article]Helena P Blavatskyy2017v18i1Novemberp3
From a Book by Max Picard: On the World of Silence [from "The World of Silence' from pp XIX-XX and pp 1-4]Max Picard [with a 2017 note by CCA]y2017v18i1Novemberp5
The Unworded Reality of Blissanony2017v18i1Novemberp7
A Master On the Exact Way the Light Will Be Shed [from "The Mahatma Letters" Letter XLVII p 271]Mahatma with notes by CCAy2017v18i1Novemberp8
Thoughts Along the Road - Life Itself Is the Sphinx Before You And It Raises Various Riddlesanony2017v18i1Novemberp9
The Writings of an Eastern Master - 07 - Transcriptions from the Letters of Blavatsky's Teacher - Letter No 40 [from Letter XL 'The Mahatma Letters' edited by A Trevor Barker see p254-256]Mahatma Letter with Editorial Note by CCA and notes by CCAy2017v18i1Novemberp10
Art and Theosophy - The Date of Creation of a Facebook Page Celebrates the Work of an Eastern Sage(The Editors)y2017v18i1Novemberp13
The Secret to Self-Enlightenment: Becoming a Helpful Lampanony2017v18i1Novemberp14
The New Texts in Our Websitesanony2017v18i1Novemberp15
Saturn in Capricorn 2017-2020 - Human Karma Meets the Lawanony2017v18i2Decemberp1
The Inner and the Outer [from 'The Theosophist' February 1988]Geoffrey A Farthingy2017v18i2Decemberp3
A Note on Skandhas and Karmaanony2017v18i2Decemberp7
The Writings of an Eastern Master - 08 - Transcriptions from the Letters of Blavatsky's Teacher [Letter No 76] [from Letter 76 'The Mahatma Letters' edited by A Trevor Barker p147]Mahatma Letter with Editorial Note by CCAy2017v18i2Decemberp8
The Writings of an Eastern Master - 09 - Courage is Needed to Defend Helena P Blavatsky [Letter No XLI(41)] - [from Letter XLI (41) 'The Mahatma Letters' edited by A Trevor Barker see p256-257]Mahatma Letter with Editorial Note by CCA and notes by CCAy2017v18i2Decemberp9
The Heavenly Christmas Tree - A Classic Short Story Examines the Relation Between Pain and Transcendence [from "Short Stories" by Fiodor Dostoievski, The World’s Popular Classics, 1900 see pp. 151-155]Feodor Dostoevsky [with 2017 Editorial note by CCA]y2017v18i2Decemberp12
The New Texts in Our Websitesanony2017v18i2Decemberp13
Awakening the Light of Spiritual Souls: HPB on Theosophy and Revolution [from 'Collected Writings' Vol VIII, "Misconceptions" pp86-87]Helena P. Blavatskyy2018v18i3Januaryp1
Good Will is the Key Factoranony2018v18i3Januaryp2
Of Steel and Inner Peaceanony2018v18i3Januaryp3
A Master of the Wisdom On Islam Christianity and Violence [from 'The Mahatma Letters' 1926 Letter LIX p348]A Master of the Wisdomy2018v18i3Januaryp3
Dvivedi on the Language of Symbols [from "The Puranas" in 'Lucifer' May 1891 p200]MN Dvivediy2018v18i3Januaryp4
A Jewish Esoteric Schoolanony2018v18i3Januaryp4
The Religious Monuments of Old [from "Isis Unveiled" Volume I p561]Helena P Blavatskyy2018v18i3Januaryp5
The Duty of the Independent Lodge - Strengthening the Ethical Basis of Theosophyanony2018v18i3Januaryp6
A Glance at the Future - I Didn't Found Any Priest for Conscience Had Become the High PriestKahlil Gibrany2018v18i3Januaryp8
The Universe in Every Atom [from "Kosmic Mind" in 'Lucifer' April 1890 p90]Helena P Blavatskyy2018v18i3Januaryp8
The Writings of an Eastern Master - 10 - Transcriptions from the Letters of Blavatsky's Teacher [Letter No XLII (42)] [from Letter 42 'The Mahatma Letters' edited by A Trevor Barker p257-258]Mahatma Letter with Editorial Note by CCAy2018v18i3Januaryp9
Five Poems That Are Also Songs (vf)Collie Ryany2018v18i3Januaryp11
The New Texts in Our Websitesanony2018v18i3Januaryp14
The Awakening of the Soul: Abandoning the Sociological Delusionanony2018v18i4Februaryp1
A Master of the Wisdom: On Being Sincere And Working for One's Country [from Letter 64 in "Letters From the Masters of the Wisdom - Second Series" edited by C Jinarajadasa 1925 pp115-116]A Master of the Wisdom; notes by C Jinarajadasay2018v18i4Februaryp2
Max Picard: The Heaven of Languages [from "The World of Silence" 1952, pp56-57]Max Picardy2018v18i4Februaryp3
The Endless and the Limitedanony2018v18i4Februaryp4
On Building Our Jacob's Ladder - The Vertical Side of a Pilgrimageanony2018v18i4Februaryp5
Attaining Freedom - From Slavery to Small Thingsanony2018v18i4Februaryp7
Silence and Good Willanony2018v18i4Februaryp8
Organized Compassionanony2018v18i4Februaryp8
Understanding the Media That Have No Respect for Truthanony2018v18i4Februaryp9
Showing 2951 to 3000 of 3398 entries