The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Sunshine Coast Lodge

The Aquarian Theosophist

When the Small Purifies the Largeanony2018v18i4Februaryp9
The Writings of an Eastern Master - 11 - Transcriptions from the Letters of Blavatsky's Teacher [Letter No XLIII (43)] [from Letter 43 'The Mahatma Letters' edited by A Trevor Barker p258-262]Mahatma Letter with Editorial Note by CCAy2018v18i4Februaryp10
Regarding Your Future [Irish Proverb]anony2018v18i4Februaryp14
Universal Law and Common Senseanony2018v18i4Februaryp14
Born on 22 February: John Reuchlin the Father of Reformationanony2018v18i4Februaryp15
The New Texts in Our Websitesanony2018v18i4Februaryp16
Being Friends with Our Subconsciousanony2018v18i4Februaryp17
The Art of Listeninganony2018v18i5Marchp1
The Hidden Nature of Reality [from 'The World of Silence' by Max Picard p78]Max Picardy2018v18i5Marchp2
Our Highest Dutyanony2018v18i5Marchp3
Time Is - Too Slow for Those Who Wait (vf)Henry van Dyke Jry2018v18i5Marchp4
The Mind of Enlightenment [from 'Calming the Mind and Discerning the Real, from the 'Lam rim chen mo' ' p10]Tson-kha-pa translated by Alex Waymany2018v18i5Marchp4
Preserving One's Independenceanony2018v18i5Marchp5
Three Kinds of Persons - Fragments From "Light on the Path to Enlightenment" [from 'Calming the Mind and Discerning the Real, from the 'Lam rim chen mo' ' p9]Tson-kha-pa translated by Alex Waymany2018v18i5Marchp6
Starting in March: A Course in Discipleship According to Mastersanony2018v18i5Marchp7
Two Fragments from Maxwell Maltz - On Self-Knowledge and Imagination [from 'The Magic Power of Self-Image Psychology' p205 and 'The Magic Power of Self-Image Psychology' pp205-206]Maxwell Maltzy2018v18i5Marchp8
Thoughts Along the Road - Peace Comes to Us As a Result of Right Actionanony2018v18i5Marchp9
The Writings of an Eastern Master - 12 - A Compilation of the the Letters of Blavatsky's Teacher [Letter No XLVII (47)] [from 'The Mahatma Letters' edited by A Trevor Barker p271-273]Mahatma Letter with Editorial Note by CCAy2018v18i5Marchp10
Thinking - If You Would Like to Win (vf)Walter D. Wintley2018v18i5Marchp13
The New Texts in Our Websitesanony2018v18i5Marchp14
Helena Blavatsky on the Island of Shambhala ["Note III" 'The Theosophist' January 2018][HPB]; Editorial Note (CCA)y2018v18i6Aprilp1
How Vanity Paves the Way to Disaster: Practical Effects of Outward Praise [including quote from "Questions and Answers of the Greek Fathers" in 'The Fathers of the Church - Iberian Fathers volume I']anon; Paschasius of Dumiumy2018v18i6Aprilp3
When Truth Prevailsanony2018v18i6Aprilp4
Good Will, from a Marriage to a Civilizationanony2018v18i6Aprilp5
On Being One With the Law - A Fragment from the Classic Text "Light on the Path to Enlightenment" [quoted from 'Calming the Mind and Discerning the Real, from the 'Lam rim chen mo' of Tson-kha-pa', translation by Alex Wayman]Dipankarasrijnanay2018v18i6Aprilp6
Thoughts Along the Road - More Than External Actions, One Single Idea Can Change Reality from Aboveanony2018v18i6Aprilp7
The Writings of an Eastern Master - 13 - A Compilation of the the Letters of Blavatsky's Teacher [Letter No LXI (61)] [from 'The Mahatma Letters' edited by A Trevor Barker]Mahatma Letter with Editorial Note and notes by CCAy2018v18i6Aprilp9
A Masterpiece of Editorial Forgery - The False Letter Which John Algeo And His "Experts" Published As Letter Sevenanony2018v18i6Aprilp11
Seven Chapters from The Book of Tao by Laotse [extracts: 'Tao Teh Ching' translated by Lin Yutang as "Laotse the Book of Tao" and included in the volume 'The Wisdom of China and India', edited by Lin Yutang]Laotse [translated: Lin Yutang]y2018v18i6Aprilp12
The Theosophy of Material Lifeanony2018v18i6Aprilp16
Forever Will Find You (vf)Collie Ryany2018v18i6Aprilp17
The New Texts in Our Websitesanony2018v18i6Aprilp18
The Seven Principles And the Consciousness of the Initiates [from 'Collected Writings' volume XIV pp386-387]Helena P Blavatskyy2018v18i7Mayp1
The Production of Justice and Good Senseanony2018v18i7Mayp2
Eleven Chapters From The Book of Tao [extracts: 'Tao Teh Ching' translated by Lin Yutang as "Laotse the Book of Tao" and included in the volume 'The Wisdom of China and India', edited by Lin Yutang]Laotse [translated: Lin Yutang]; some footnotes by (Carlos Cardoso Aveline)y2018v18i7Mayp4
The Writings of an Eastern Master - 14 - A Compilation of the the Letters of Blavatsky's Teacher [Letter No LXXI (71); Letter No LXXIII (73); Letter No LXXIV (74);] [from 'The Mahatma Letters' edited by A Trevor Barker]Mahatma Letter with Editorial Note and notes by CCAy2018v18i7Mayp11
The New Texts in Our Websitesanony2018v18i7Mayp13
Divine Ethics - A Global Citizenship Must Emerge Along Moral and Spiritual LinesB P Wadiay2018v18i7Mayp14
Carefully Examining the Facts [from 'Collected Writings' volume XIV p457]Helena P Blavatskyy2018v18i7Mayp15
A Practical Approach to Altruism: The Five Dimensions of Loveanony2018v18i8Junep1
Churchill and the Public Opinion - The Film Darkest Hour Is a Luminous Enlightening Work of Artanony2018v18i8Junep6
Jose Xifre Meets Blavatsky - There Was a Reason for Him Not to Leave London by Train That Day [from 'HPB -The Extraordinary Life and Influence of Helena Blavatsky Founder of the Modern Theosophical Movement']Sylvia Cranston [with a footnote by (CCA)]y2018v18i8Junep8
The Mystery of Self-Training - Examining the Need to Practice Self-Discipline in Daily Lifeanony2018v18i8Junep10
The Writings of an Eastern Master - 15 - A Compilation of the the Letters of Blavatsky's Teacher [Letter No XCVI (96)] [from 'The Mahatma Letters' edited by A Trevor Barker]Mahatma Letter with Editorial Note and notes by CCAy2018v18i8Junep12
Five Chapters From The Book of Tao [extracts: 'Tao Teh Ching' translated by Lin Yutang as "Laotse the Book of Tao" and included in the volume 'The Wisdom of China and India', edited by Lin Yutang]Laotse [translated: Lin Yutang]; some footnotes by (Carlos Cardoso Aveline)y2018v18i8Junep14
The New Texts in Our Websitesanony2018v18i8Junep18
Theosophy, on Alcohol and Drugs Or Defending the Lucidity of Human Beingsanony2018v18i9Julyp1
Real Teachers Humbly Obey the Law While Blind People Aim at 'Transcending' the Eternal Law of Justice and Equilibriumanony2018v18i9Julyp3
True Culture (vf) [from 'Poetical Works of Ella Wheeler Wilcox']Ella Wheeler Wilcoxy2018v18i9Julyp5
Confucianism: Moral Law is Everywhere [from "The Golden Mean of Tsesze" translated from Chinese by Ku Hungming in The 'Wisdom of China and India' edited by Lin Yutang]Ku Hungming [translator]y2018v18i9Julyp6
Showing 3001 to 3050 of 3398 entries