The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Sunshine Coast Lodge

The Upadhi

(editorial) "It is the object of the promoters of this vehicle for exchange of Theosophical opinions ..."anony1892v1-Octoberp1
Q1 replyEd.y1892v1-Octoberp5
The Querist - Question 1 - proof for reincarnationFESHy1892v1-Octoberp5
Q2 replyEd.y1892v1-Octoberp6
Q2 the possibility of communion with the departedFESHy1892v1-Octoberp6
Q3 First Logos, Second Logos, Third LogosEWy1892v1-Octoberp7
Theosophical News & Activities in Australia & Tasmania - Lemurian Lodge - Sydney (changes name from "Olcott")TW Willansy1892v1-Octoberp8
Notice to intending subscribersanony1892v1-Octoberp11
Notes by the Wayanony1892v1-Novemberp12
The Querist Q3 (logoi)EWy1892v1-Novemberp14
reply "The crux point appears to be the origin of mind."Ed.y1892v1-Novemberp15
Q4 the origin of Man, esoteric vs materialisticT.y1892v1-Novemberp15
Q6 Has phrenological science any basis of fact in Theosophy?FFy1892v1-Novemberp16
Q5 How to secure a conscious immortalityK.y1892v1-Novemberp16
Hobart Branch (Tasmania)anony1892v1-Novemberp17
Melbourne (Victoria) TSanony1892v1-Novemberp17
Theosophical News & Activities - Adelaide (South Australia) TSanony1892v1-Novemberp17
The Sydney TS (NSW)George Puel & EW Minchiny1892v1-Novemberp18
Maybank (Victoria) TSEP Corry1892v1-Novemberp19
Lemurian Lodge - Sydney (NSW)TW Willansy1892v1-Novemberp21
The Theosophical Literature DepotGeorge de C Regoy1892v1-Novemberp23
Theosophical News & Activities - Hobart TS (Tasmania)anony1892v1-Decemberp25
Melbourne TS (Victoria)Henrietta Pattersony1892v1-Decemberp26
Lemurian Lodge - Sydney (NSW)TWWy1892v1-Decemberp27
Answers to Correspondents - Q5 "How to secure conscious immortality" KFRPy1892v1-Decemberp29
Another Answer to Q5"Atom"y1892v1-Decemberp31
Q6 (Phrenology)"Atom"y1892v1-Decemberp31
Q8 "How does the esoteric Philosophy explain atavism?""Atom"y1892v1-Decemberp32
Q7 Meaning of "nucleus of universal brotherhood"Humanityy1892v1-Decemberp32
Notice to intending subscribersanony1892v1-Decemberp35
(Official Notice from Adyar) Mrs Cooper-Oakley will visit AustraliaHS Olcotty1893v1-Januaryp36
Maybank TSElise Picketty1893v1-Januaryp39
Theosophical News & Activities - Melbourne TSanony1893v1-Januaryp39
Lemurian Lodge - Sydney, NSWanony1893v1-Januaryp41
Answers to Correspondents - Answer to Q7 (nucleus of universal brotherhood - how does one ... practice ...)Humanityy1893v1-Januaryp44
Answer Q7JRPy1893v1-Januaryp44
Another Answer to Q7anony1893v1-Januaryp48
reply to Q8 (Atavism)Protoplasmy1893v1-Januaryp49
Q10 (the effects of Hypnotism)A.y1893v1-Januaryp50
Q9 (What methods enable one to grasp Divine Wisdom?)W.y1893v1-Januaryp50
Notes by the Wayanony1893v1-Februaryp52
Activities - Hobart TS (Tasmania)JBy1893v1-Februaryp53
Melbourne TSHenrietta Pattersony1893v1-Februaryp55
General News - MelbourneHenrietta Pattersony1893v1-Februaryp56
Lemurian Lodge - Sydneyanony1893v1-Februaryp58
Answers to Correspondents - Q9 (methods for gaining Divine Wisdom) AnswerEWy1893v1-Februaryp61
Answer 2Editory1893v1-Februaryp62
Q10 (Hypnotism)Editory1893v1-Februaryp63
Q13 What is the origin of the Soul or Ego?EPy1893v1-Februaryp64
Showing 1 to 50 of 98 entries