The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Sunshine Coast Lodge

The Adyar Pamphlets

Emotion, Intellect & SpiritualityAnnie Besanty1911-i1March-
The Attitude of the EnquirerCW Leadbeatery1911-i2April-
The Religion of TheosophyBhagavan Dasy1911-i3May-
Proofs of the Existence of the SoulAnnie Besanty1911-i4June-
The Emergence of a World-ReligionAnnie Besanty1911-i5July-
Castes in IndiaDamodar K Mavalankary1911-i6August-
The Meaning & Method of Spiritual LifeAnnie Besanty1911-i7September-
On the Idyll of the White LotusT Subba Row (Rao)y1911-i8October-
The Power & Use of ThoughtCW Leadbeatery1911-i9November-
The Value of DevotionAnnie Besanty1911-i10December-
Gurus & Chelas (& a reply by AB)ET Sturdy & Annie Besanty1912-i11January-
What Theosophy Does for UsCW Leadbeatery1912-i12February-
Elementary Lessons on KarmaAnnie Besanty1912-i13March-
The Fundamental Idea of TheosophyBhagavan Dasy1912-i14April-
The Life of Buddha & its LessonsHS Olcotty1912-i15May-
Education in the Light of TheosophyAnnie Besanty1912-i16June-
On the Bhagavad-GitaT Subba Rao & Nobin K Bannerjiy1912-i17July-
The Future SocialismAnnie Besanty1912-i18August-
Occultism. Semi-Occultism & Pseudo-OccultismAnnie Besanty1912-i19September-
The Law of Cause & EffectCW Leadbeatery1912-i20October-
MysticismAnnie Besanty1912-i21November-
Aspects of the ChristAnnie Besanty1912-i22December-
The Spirit of ZoroastrianismHS Olcotty1913-i23January-
The Brotherhood of ReligionsAnnie Besanty1913-i24February-
Some Difficulties of the Inner LifeAnnie Besanty1913-i25March-
The Vision of the SpiritC Jinarajadasay1913-i26April-
Vegetarianism in the Light of TheosophyAnnie Besanty1913-i27May-
Correspondences between the Planes & some lessons to be drawn from theseWeller van Hooky1913-i28June-
The Influence of the East on ReligionR Heber Newtony1913-i29July-
Communication between Different Worlds (1909)Annie Besanty1913-i30August-
The Twelve Signs of the Zodiac (rprnt 1923)T Subba Rao (Nov 1881)y1913-i31September-
Theosophy & Its EvidencesAnnie Besanty1913-i32October-
Vegetarianism & OccultismCW Leadbeatery1913-i33November-
England & India (1906, rprnt 1921)Annie Besant (1906)y1913-i34November-
The Influence of Theosophy on the Life & Teachings of Modern IndiaGyanendra Nath Chakravartiy1913-i35December-
Investigations into the Super-PhysicalAnnie Besanty1913-i36December-
Theosophy & ChristianityAnnie Besanty1914-i37January-
The Religion of GoetheF Otto Schradery1914-i38February-
Ancient Egyptian MagicHP Blavatsky (Oct/Nov 1886)y1914-i39March-
The Reality of the Invisible & the Actuality of the Unseen WorldsAnnie Besanty1914-i40April-
The Smaller Buddhist CatechismCW Leadbeater & C Jinarajadasay1914-i41May-
A Word on Man, His Nature & His PowersAnnie Besanty1914-i42June-
The Inner Purpose of the Theosophical SocietyAnnie Besanty1914-i43July-
Indian Students & PoliticsGeorge S Arundaley1914-i44August-
Spiritual Life for the Man of the WorldAnnie Besanty1914-i45September-
On MoodsAnnie Besanty1914-i46October-
BuddhismF Otto Schradery1914-i47November-
Spirituality & Psychism (rprnt 'Theosophical Review 1900)Gyanendranath Chakravartiy1914-i48December-
"Spirits" of Various KindsHP Blavatskyy1915-i49January-
Art as a Factor in the Soul's EvolutionC Jinarajadasay1915-i50February-
Showing 1 to 50 of 216 entries