The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Sunshine Coast Lodge

An Index to Oriental Department Papers - European Section

The Garuda-PuranaMN Dvivediy1891-i1Novemberp1
The Language of Our TemplesHP Munkherjiy1891-i1Novemberp6
Yoga Philosophyanony1891-i1Novemberp8
[John Cooper has seen four issues in this first series 1891-1892][indexer note]y1891----
[John Cooper has seen seven issues in this second series 1893-1894][indexer note]y1891----
Outlines of the Mahayana as Taught by BuddhaS Kuroday1894-i7-p3
The SamskarasMN Dvivedi--i3-p107
An Enquiry into the Principles of Image-WorshipBabu Aswini Kumar Dutta--i5-p1
The Divine Kural, chpt 6, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 23AGB--i5-p11
The Dual Man (from Masnawi-i-Manwi, Book 2)Rumi; tr by BNS--i5-p18
Supersensuous Planes (or States of Matter and Consciousness) (from Masnawi-i-Manwi, Book 3)Rumi; tr by BNS--i5-p19
Self-Purification (from Masnawi-i-Manwi, Book 4)Rumi; tr by BNS--i5-p20
Sayings of Kabirtr by a member of the Mozufferpur T.S.--i5-p21
Pashupata Yoga in "Lingua Purana"PBN--i5-p25
Who Will Protect Us? (Yashna, xlv, 7)Nasarvanji F Bilimoria--i5-p29
From the Wisdom of Ancient EgyptP Le Page Renouf--i5-p32
[Title not known - re Karma] (1)A Siva Row--iy-p1
A Cluster of Twelve PrayersShri Shankaracharya, tr R Jagannathiah--ix-p1
The Idea of the Man-GodNasarvanji F Bilimoria--iy-p8
Nirvikara-Srishti-Utpatti or the Evolution of the Changeless UniversePH Mehta--iy-p11
Evolution in the Matsya PuranaP Baijnath--ix-p13
The Force of SuccessKali Prasanna Mukherji--iy-p15
Extract from the Bhagavata PuranaKP Mukerji--ix-p16
Extract from the Bhagavad-GitaGRSM--ix-p17
Evolution in the Linga PuranaPBN--iy-p17
Some Extracts from the Wisdom of Chuang TsuChuang Tsu, tr Bernard Quaritch--ix-p19
Tantric PhilosophyBarada Kanta, Majumdar--iy-p21
Vedantic TeachersVC Lonakar--ix-p23
The East and the West[author not known]--iy-p29
Viveka-ChudamaniShri Shankaracharya, Mohini M Chatterji--ix-p30
Showing 1 to 31 of 31 entries