William Stainton Moses [supplement to 'Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research' v8 1892] | Frederic W H Myers, Psypioneer | y2010 | v6 | i10 | Oct | p285 |
Decease of Mrs Moses ['Light' 19 December 1896 p602] | WG Johnson, anon, LP | y2010 | v6 | i10 | Oct | p288 |
Maurice Elliott and the Challenge of Spiritualism | Leslie Price | y2010 | v6 | i10 | Oct | p289 |
Books for sale | anon | y2010 | v6 | i10 | Oct | p291 |
How to obtain this free Journal | Paul J Gaunt | y2010 | v6 | i10 | Oct | p292 |
Stewart Alexander's Journey [review: 'An Extraordinary Journey: The Memoirs of a Physical Medium' by Stewart Alexander'] | Leslie Price | y2010 | v6 | i11 | Nov | p294 |
Dr Sidgwick I Presume? | LP [Leslie Price] | y2010 | v6 | i11 | Nov | p296 |
Mrs Britten Nominally Challenged | LP [Leslie Price] | y2010 | v6 | i11 | Nov | p297 |
A Pioneer for Aquarius | Paul Fletcher | y2010 | v6 | i11 | Nov | p299 |
Could Psychical Research have started in Russia? | Leslie Price | y2010 | v6 | i11 | Nov | p303 |
Fewer Psychics put to death | LP [Leslie Price] | y2010 | v6 | i11 | Nov | p305 |
An Epoch-Making Theosophical Work of Reference [review: 'Theosophical Encyclopedia'] | LP [Leslie Price] | y2010 | v6 | i11 | Nov | p306 |
The Beginnings of Full Form Materialisations [Mrs Andrews of Moravia] ['The Spiritualist' 1 May 1873 p190, 15 August 1873] | Isaac Kelso, anon | y2010 | v6 | i11 | Nov | p308 |
Forgotten Pioneers of the SNU: William Greenwood - April 13th 1861-April 22nd 1905 | Paul J Gaunt | y2010 | v6 | i11 | Nov | p314 |
National Federation - Spiritualists' National Union - A note of explanation for the various names | Paul J Gaunt | y2010 | v6 | i11 | Nov | p319 |
Books for sale | anon | y2010 | v6 | i11 | Nov | p319 |
How to obtain this free Journal | Paul J Gaunt | y2010 | v6 | i11 | Nov | p320 |
The Queen of Spiritualism | Paul J Gaunt | y2010 | v6 | i12 | Dec | p322 |
WHAT WE DON’T KNOW ABOUT ONE WHO KNOWS [By One Who Knows] | LP [Leslie Price] | y2010 | v6 | i12 | Dec | p326 |
The First Modern Theosophical Publication | LP [Leslie Price] | y2010 | v6 | i12 | Dec | p333 |
The History of Psychical Research in the Journal of Scientific Exploration | Carlos S Alvarado | y2010 | v6 | i12 | Dec | p335 |
New search for Blavatsky source | LP [Leslie Price] | y2010 | v6 | i12 | Dec | p339 |
The Beginnings of Full Form Materialisations in England | Paul J Gaunt | y2010 | v6 | i12 | Dec | p340 |
Mrs Jessy Greenwood JP [including: 'The Two Worlds' 19 August 1921 p387] | Paul J Gaunt | y2010 | v6 | i12 | Dec | p348 |
Christmas Quiz [Leslie’s seasonal Quiz] | LP | y2010 | v6 | i12 | Dec | p352 |
Books for sale | anon | y2010 | v6 | i12 | Dec | p353 |
How to obtain this free Journal | Paul J Gaunt | y2010 | v6 | i12 | Dec | p354 |
Psypioneer Journal and the Spiritualists' National Union | Paul J Gaunt | y2011 | v7 | i1 | Jan | p2 |
Obituary - The Passing Away of the Editor [obituary: James Burns] ['The Medium and Daybreak' 4 January 1895 p2] | anon | y2011 | v7 | i1 | Jan | p3 |
Taking up the Challenge [review: 'Taking up the Challenge' by Eric Hatton] | Leslie Price | y2011 | v7 | i1 | Jan | p6 |
Emma Hardinge Britten on Reincarnation | Marc Demarest, LP [Leslie Price] | y2011 | v7 | i1 | Jan | p8 |
The Historian and the Adepts | LP [Leslie Price] | y2011 | v7 | i1 | Jan | p11 |
Forgotten Pioneers of the SNU: Was the veteran Spiritualist William Johnson the first SNU President? | Paul J Gaunt | y2011 | v7 | i1 | Jan | p12 |
SNU Presidents ['Light' 21 February 1935] | Frank T Harris (General Secretary SNU) | y2011 | v7 | i1 | Jan | p14 |
Mr JJ Parr ['The Two Worlds' 21 March 1902] | GHB [George Horatio Bibbings], Paul J Gaunt | y2011 | v7 | i1 | Jan | p15 |
It's Sixty Years since Spiritualism was Legalised | LP [Leslie Price] | y2011 | v7 | i1 | Jan | p17 |
The Beginnings of Full Form Materialisations in England | Paul J Gaunt | y2011 | v7 | i1 | Jan | p19 |
Christmas Quiz [Leslie's Christmas Quiz Answers] | [Leslie Price] | y2011 | v7 | i1 | Jan | p31 |
Books for sale | anon | y2011 | v7 | i1 | Jan | p32 |
How to obtain this free Journal | Paul J Gaunt | y2011 | v7 | i1 | Jan | p33 |
Whatever happened to the British College? [includes extract 'Psychic Science' v17 i4] | anon | y2011 | v7 | i2 | Feb | p35 |
Amalgamation of the British College of Psychic Science and the International Institute for Psychical Research under the name of The International Institute for Psychic Investigation [IIPI] | anon | y2011 | v7 | i2 | Feb | p37 |
The Quest of the Golden Dawn: A Cautionary Tale | RA Gilbert | y2011 | v7 | i2 | Feb | p47 |
Forgotten Pioneers of the SNU: Alfred Kitson | Paul J Gaunt | y2011 | v7 | i2 | Feb | p52 |
Autobiographical sketch of Alfred Kitson ['The Two Worlds' 8 February 1895] | anon | y2011 | v7 | i2 | Feb | p55 |
Books for sale | anon | y2011 | v7 | i2 | Feb | p63 |
How to obtain this free Journal | Paul J Gaunt | y2011 | v7 | i2 | Feb | p64 |
Duncan Gascoyne Retires | LP [Leslie Price] | y2011 | v7 | i3 | Mar | p66 |
[Note re page numbering in this issue] | anon | y2011 | v7 | i3 | Mar | p66 |
Leslie Price Changes Direction | LP | y2011 | v7 | i3 | Mar | p66 |