Evan Powell - (1881-1958) | Paul J Gaunt | y2011 | v7 | i8 | Aug | p235 |
Evan Powell the Welsh Physical Medium ['Psychic Science' v2 i1 April 1923 pp67-74] | the Hon Secretary [Barbara McKenzie] | y2011 | v7 | i8 | Aug | p236 |
Origins and Editorship of Light | Paul J Gaunt | y2011 | v7 | i8 | Aug | p243 |
The Jubilee of Light ['Light' 28 March 1931 p154] | anon | y2011 | v7 | i8 | Aug | p244 |
Some reminiscences of "Light" and the LSA ['Light' 21 February 1931 p93] | Arthur Butcher | y2011 | v7 | i8 | Aug | p245 |
The late Mr Henry Withall - Early Days of LSA ['Light' 25 October 1924 p661] | Dawson Rogers | y2011 | v7 | i8 | Aug | p246 |
Decease of Mr Henry Withall ['Light' 18 October 1924 p654] | anon | y2011 | v7 | i8 | Aug | p248 |
Transition of Mrs Withall ['Light' 18 April 1931 p189] | anon | y2011 | v7 | i8 | Aug | p250 |
Hannen Swaffer "Swaff" [1879-1962] | anon, Maurice Barbanell | y2011 | v7 | i8 | Aug | p251 |
Who's Who in the SNU - Hannen Swaffer esq Honorary President SNU ['The National Spiritualist' n78 v7 December 1930 front p, p134] | anon | y2011 | v7 | i8 | Aug | p252 |
How I Became a Spiritualist - Hannen Swaffer - Honorary President Spiritualists' National Union ['The National Spiritualist' p482] | Hannen Swaffer | y2011 | v7 | i8 | Aug | p254 |
The Beginnings of Full Form Materialisations in England - Catherine (Kate) Elizabeth Wood - 1854-1884 | anon | y2011 | v7 | i8 | Aug | p257 |
Facts from the History of Miss Wood's Development as a Medium ['The Medium and Daybreak' 26 October 1877 pp674-676] | Mrs Mould, Newcastle-on-Tyne | y2011 | v7 | i8 | Aug | p257 |
Some books we have reviewed | anon | y2011 | v7 | i8 | Aug | p265 |
How to obtain this free Journal | Paul J Gaunt | y2011 | v7 | i8 | Aug | p266 |
Tom Brooks | Paul J Gaunt | y2011 | v7 | i9 | Sep | p268 |
"MP for Spiritualism" passes on ['The Two Worlds' 22 February 1958 front p, p8] | - | y2011 | v7 | i9 | Sep | p270 |
Castleford National Spiritualist Church | Paul J Gaunt and Judith Seaman | y2011 | v7 | i9 | Sep | p272 |
Tom Brooks' Church is Re-dedicated ['Psychic News' 10 December 1955] | - | y2011 | v7 | i9 | Sep | p274 |
Another Stalwart Promoted - Passing of Mr HH Broadbent of Castleford ['The Two Worlds' 4 March 1921 pp103-104] | anon, Paul J Gaunt | y2011 | v7 | i9 | Sep | p276 |
I was rather surprised to read in the above report [Venables and Broadbent] | Paul J Gaunt | y2011 | v7 | i9 | Sep | p276 |
More on Swaffer | Leslie Price | y2011 | v7 | i9 | Sep | p278 |
An anti-Spiritualist film? [Swaffer continued ...] | LP [Leslie Price] | y2011 | v7 | i9 | Sep | p279 |
Mrs Norman Culver, and Kate Fox | Paul J Gaunt | y2011 | v7 | i9 | Sep | p280 |
Tennyson ['Light' 15 October 1982 p498] | anon | y2011 | v7 | i9 | Sep | p289 |
The Beginnings of Full Form Materialisations in England - Catherine (Kate) Elizabeth Wood 1854-1884 continued | anon | y2011 | v7 | i9 | Sep | p291 |
Some books we have reviewed | anon | y2011 | v7 | i9 | Sep | p298 |
How to obtain this free Journal | Paul J Gaunt | y2011 | v7 | i9 | Sep | p299 |
A Convert from Spiritualism - J Godfrey Raupert | Gregory Raupert, LP {Leslie Price] | y2011 | v7 | i10 | Oct | p301 |
The Glasgow Association of Spiritualists - 1866-Present | Paul J Gaunt | y2011 | v7 | i10 | Oct | p317 |
Historical Notes [Glasgow Association of Spiritualists] - ['The Two Worlds' 29 June 1923 pp340-341] | anon | y2011 | v7 | i10 | Oct | p321 |
Notes by the Way: Saving Private Archives | Leslie Price | y2011 | v7 | i10 | Oct | p325 |
Evan John Powell - 1881-1958 [and Sherlock Holmes] | Paul J Gaunt | y2011 | v7 | i10 | Oct | p327 |
Last of a Great Line [Evan Powell] ['Psychic News' 13 September 1968] | anon | y2011 | v7 | i10 | Oct | p330 |
Some books we have reviewed | anon | y2011 | v7 | i10 | Oct | p335 |
How to obtain this free Journal | Paul J Gaunt | y2011 | v7 | i10 | Oct | p336 |
Discontinued; a Forgotten Spiritualist Tragedy | Leslie Price | y2011 | v7 | i11 | Nov | p338 |
The Physical Phenomena of the Past - An Historical Survey | Leslie Curnow | y2011 | v7 | i11 | Nov | p349 |
Mrs Mary Marshall | Paul J. Gaunt | y2011 | v7 | i11 | Nov | p355 |
Anti-Spiritualist Studies | Leslie Price | y2011 | v7 | i11 | Nov | p363 |
The Beginnings of Full Form Materialisations in England - Catherine (Kate) Elizabeth Wood 1854-1884 continued | Paul J Gaunt | y2011 | v7 | i11 | Nov | p366 |
Some books we have reviewed | anon | y2011 | v7 | i11 | Nov | p374 |
How to obtain this free Journal | Paul J Gaunt | y2011 | v7 | i11 | Nov | p375 |
Lord Dowding - 1882-1970 ['The Two Worlds' October 22 1955] | Philip Paul | y2011 | v7 | i12 | Dec | p377 |
Beauty ~ Not the Beast - An Autobiography ['Beauty ~ Not the Beast, An Autobiography' pp86-91] | The Rt Hon Muriel the Lady Dowding, LP] | y2011 | v7 | i12 | Dec | p381 |
RJ Lees as healer | LP [Leslie Price] | y2011 | v7 | i12 | Dec | p384 |
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Grave - Windlesham to Minstead churchyard ['Light' July 19 1930, 'The Two Worlds' July 9 1955 p4 | anon, MB | y2011 | v7 | i12 | Dec | p385 |
A Stitch in Time | LP [Leslie Price] | y2011 | v7 | i12 | Dec | p388 |
Henry (Harry) James Edwards - 1893-1976 ['The Two Worlds' June 11 1955 p5] | Philip Paul | y2011 | v7 | i12 | Dec | p390 |
Whatever happened to Arnold Clare? | LP [Leslie Price] | y2011 | v7 | i12 | Dec | p393 |