UCL - Centre for the History of Psychological Disciplines - Call for Papers - Psychical Research in the History of Medicine and the Sciences 14-15 September 2012 University College London | anon | y2012 | v8 | i4 | Apr | p123 |
Felicia Rudolphina Scatcherd - 1862-1927 [including 'The Two Worlds' 25 March 1927 pp182-183] | anon | y2012 | v8 | i4 | Apr | p124 |
The Cremation of Miss Scatcherd | Horace Leaf | y2012 | v8 | i4 | Apr | p126 |
Book Review by Leslie Price - Remarkable Phenomena in Nottingham [review: 'A Path Prepared - The Story of Isa Northage' by Allan MacDonald | LP | y2012 | v8 | i4 | Apr | p128 |
The "Controls" of Stainton Moses - Publication of Spirit Teachings | A W Trethewy, Leslie Price [introduction] | y2012 | v8 | i4 | Apr | p129 |
The Physical Phenomena of the Past - An Historical Survey - Spirit Lights - Marvels Unknown to Science ['The Two Worlds' 17 October 1924 pp577-578] | Leslie Curnow | y2012 | v8 | i4 | Apr | p132 |
Decease of M Tissot [M James Joseph Jacques Tissot] ['Light' 16 August 1902 p389] | anon | y2012 | v8 | i4 | Apr | p138 |
Photograph References | anon | y2012 | v8 | i4 | Apr | p139 |
Books we have reviewed | anon | y2012 | v8 | i4 | Apr | p140 |
How to obtain this free Journal | Paul J Gaunt | y2012 | v8 | i4 | Apr | p141 |
Infra-Red Photography and the Physical Mediums | Paul J. Gaunt | y2012 | v8 | i5 | May | p143 |
Theosophy was a Spiritualist Movement? [review: 'The Theosophical Society the History of a Spiritualist Movement' by Jeffrey Lavoie] | Leslie Price, Jeffrey Lavoie [reply], Garth Willey [comment] | y2012 | v8 | i5 | May | p150 |
A Name to Conjure With - Madame Blavatsky's Spirit Calling Board | LP | y2012 | v8 | i5 | May | p155 |
Notes by the way: Did Mr Myers become a Theosophist? | LP [Leslie Price] | y2012 | v8 | i5 | May | p156 |
Blavatsky News - A Request | LP [Leslie Price] | y2012 | v8 | i5 | May | p156 |
Theosophical Encyclopedia [including: Theosophical Encyclopedia on the Web] | LP [Leslie Price], anon | y2012 | v8 | i5 | May | p158 |
Was Madame Blavatsky a Book Memory? | LP [Leslie Price] | y2012 | v8 | i5 | May | p159 |
The Mystery of Stainton Moses [including: 'The Mystery of Stainton Moses' paper presented in absentia to SPR Conference 4 September 1992 | Leslie Price | y2012 | v8 | i5 | May | p160 |
Spiritualism Caused Disorder at Swedenborg Society | LP [Leslie Price] | y2012 | v8 | i5 | May | p169 |
The Physical Phenomena of the Past - An Historical Survey ['The Two Worlds' 24 October 1924 front page and p590] | W Leslie Curnow | y2012 | v8 | i5 | May | p170 |
Books we have reviewed | anon | y2012 | v8 | i5 | May | p176 |
How to obtain this free Journal | Paul J Gaunt | y2012 | v8 | i5 | May | p177 |
Transfiguration - Infra-Red Photography and the Physical Mediums Continued | Paul J. Gaunt | y2012 | v8 | i6 | June | p179 |
Did Mr Wallace Join the Theosophical Society? | LP [Leslie Price] | y2012 | v8 | i6 | June | p193 |
Important Notice - Change of Conference Date | Andreas [Sommer] | y2012 | v8 | i6 | June | p195 |
Principal Manifesting Spirits [extracts 'The Controls of Stainton Moses (1923)'] | A W Trethewy, Leslie Price [introduction] | y2012 | v8 | i6 | June | p196 |
The Physical Phenomena of the Past - An Historical Survey ['The Two Worlds' 24 October 1924 front page and p590] | W Leslie Curnow | y2012 | v8 | i6 | June | p207 |
Editor's Note | [Paul J Gaunt] | y2012 | v8 | i6 | June | p213 |
Books we have reviewed | anon | y2012 | v8 | i6 | June | p214 |
How to obtain this free Journal | Paul J Gaunt | y2012 | v8 | i6 | June | p215 |
Psypioneer Grants | LP | y2012 | v8 | i7 | July | p216 |
The Katie King Photographs [including reprint: 'Psychic Science' v13 April 1934 n1 pp25-30] | anon, Paul J Gaunt | y2012 | v8 | i7 | July | p217 |
Spiritualist Camps [review: 'Free Love Universal Reform and Fraud: The Economics and Transformation of American Spiritualist Camp-Meetings in the Nineteenth Century' by John Patrick Deveney 'Theosophical History Occasional Papers' v13] | Ben McDonald | y2012 | v8 | i7 | July | p236 |
Deputation to the Right Honourable JR Clynes MP (Home Secretary) by the United Spiritualist Organisations [July 1930] [including note by LP] | various | y2012 | v8 | i7 | July | p239 |
Chapter III Characters of the Bible [extracts 'The Controls of Stainton Moses (1923)'] | A W Trethewy, Leslie Price [note] | y2012 | v8 | i7 | July | p255 |
Books we have reviewed | anon | y2012 | v8 | i7 | July | p261 |
How to obtain this free Journal | Paul J Gaunt | y2012 | v8 | i7 | July | p262 |
The Building of the Spiritualists' National Union | [Paul J Gaunt] | y2012 | v8 | i8 | August | p264 |
The Nationalisation of Spiritualism ['Two Worlds' 1 June 1894 front page-254, 8 June 1894 front page-266] | JJ Morse | y2012 | v8 | i8 | August | p265 |
Notes by the Way - Spiritualism through Christian Eyes [review: 'Modern Spiritualism and the Church of England 1850-1939' by Georgina Byrne] | LP [Leslie Price] | y2012 | v8 | i8 | August | p272 |
Mr JB Conklin and the Founding of Glasgow Association of Spiritualists | [Paul J Gaunt] | y2012 | v8 | i8 | August | p275 |
Early Glasgow Spiritualism ['The Medium and Daybreak' 31 July 1891] | anon | y2012 | v8 | i8 | August | p284 |
Books we have reviewed | anon | y2012 | v8 | i8 | August | p292 |
How to obtain this free Journal | Paul J Gaunt | y2012 | v8 | i8 | August | p293 |
William Howitt - December 18th 1792-March 3rd 1879 ['Spiritual Notes' May 1879 front page] | anon | y2012 | v8 | i9 | September | p295 |
Was William Howitt a Spiritualist? ['Medium and Daybreak' 23 May 1879 p316] | anon | y2012 | v8 | i9 | September | p296 |
Helen Alexandria Dallas - 1856-1944 - My Psychic Reminiscences ['Leaves from a Psychic Notebook' by HA Dallas] | [Helen Alexandria Dallas] | y2012 | v8 | i9 | September | p298 |
Notes by the Way - A New Look at WT Stead | LP [Leslie Price] | y2012 | v8 | i9 | September | p309 |
The Building of the Spiritualists' National Union - Part Two | [Paul J Gaunt] | y2012 | v8 | i9 | September | p311 |
Books we have reviewed | anon | y2012 | v8 | i9 | September | p326 |