Units of Progress | Corona Trew | y1972 | v16 | - | Summer | p35 |
Understanding Plato Theosophically | Gillian Blake | y1972 | v16 | - | Summer | p44 |
Philosophy as the Guardian of Science | JJ van der Leeuw | y1972 | v16 | - | Summer | p50 |
Theosophical Concepts on Emergent Spiritual Faculties | JE Marcault | y1972 | v16 | - | Summer | p52 |
An Approach to the Science of Life | Corona Trew | y1972 | v16 | - | Summer | p56 |
Ltte - Mr JD Moos' Article | Dr LJ Bendit | y1972 | v16 | - | Summer | p61 |
States of Consciousness, Brain Waves & Physiological Changes | E Lester Smith | y1972 | v16 | - | 3rd Q | p64 |
Our Picture of the World | KB Wakelam | y1972 | v16 | - | 3rd Q | p70 |
The Search for Truth | Hugh Murdoch | y1972 | v16 | - | 3rd Q | p73 |
The Research Centre Conference | Forbes Perry | y1972 | v16 | - | 3rd Q | p75 |
Ontology & Meontology | Prof Dr JH Dubbink | y1972 | v16 | - | 3rd Q | p78 |
Introducing our New Journal (SGJ retitled as Research Centre Journal) | E Lester Smith | y1972 | v16 | - | Spring | p3 |
The Philosophy of Schopenhauer & Theosophical Thought | Corona Trew | y1972 | v16 | - | Spring | p4 |
More than a Shadow! | KB Wakelam | y1972 | v16 | - | Spring | p8 |
Addendum to KB Wakelam's article | Dr E Lester Smith | y1972 | v16 | - | Spring | p10 |
Music for Meditation (110 pieces listed) | E Lester Smith | y1972 | v16 | - | Spring | p11 |
review - HP Blavatsky & the Secret Doctrine ed Virginia Hanson | Francis Gritton | y1972 | v16 | - | Spring | p19 |
Science Jotting - Of Interest to Music Lovers | H Tudor Edmunds | y1972 | v16 | - | Spring | p21 |
review - LSD in Action by PG Stafford & BH Golightly | E Lester Smith | y1972 | v16 | - | Spring | p22 |
Ltte - re Mr Moos' letter, 1971 Winter p112 | Prof Dr JH Dubbink | y1972 | v16 | - | Spring | p26 |
Ltte - sentences remembered from dreams | Mrs Eleanor Stakesby-Lewis | y1972 | v16 | - | Spring | p27 |
Addendum to Music for Meditation (25 pieces listed) | E Lester Smith | y1972 | v16 | - | Spring | p28 |
Ltte - (including an extract from the Wall Street Journal for Feb 2 1972 on Cleve Backster) | A. Herbert Peron | y1972 | v16 | - | Spring | p29 |
Theosophical Research Centre | anon | y1972 | v16 | - | 4th Q | p85 |
Editorial | anon | y1972 | v16 | - | 4th Q | p86 |
Biofeedback for Mind-Body Self-Regulation: Healing & Creativity (1) Foreword | Forbes G Perry | y1972 | v16 | - | 4th Q | p87 |
Biofeedback for Mind-Body Self-Regulation: Healing & Creativity (2) (rprnt) | EE & AM Green & ED Waters (Walters) | y1972 | v16 | - | 4th Q | p88 |
Biofeedback for Mind-Body Self-Regulation: Healing & Creativity (3) Comments | E Lester Smith | y1972 | v16 | - | 4th Q | p105 |
Everyman his own Scientist | Madeleine Leslie-Smith | y1972 | v16 | - | 4th Q | p106 |
Yoga: Some Classical Sources of Instruction | Ianthe H Hoskins | y1972 | v16 | - | 4th Q | p109 |
The Scientific Achievement of Neolithic Man | KB Wakelam | y1972 | v16 | - | 4th Q | p114 |
Comments by the Chief Druid | Ross Nicholls | y1972 | v16 | - | 4th Q | p118 |
Ltte - | Hugh Shearman | y1972 | v16 | - | 4th Q | p120 |
Ltte - | Miss Ianthe H Hoskins | y1972 | v16 | - | 4th Q | p120 |
The Raudive Voices - Objective or Subjective? - a discussion (rprnt J Soc Psy Research, Dec 1972, v46 p192) | E Lester Smith | y1973 | v17 | - | 1st Q | p3 |
review - Facing Reality by JC Eccles - Vitalism revisited | HS Murdoch | y1973 | v17 | - | 1st Q | p11 |
Euthanasia & the Theosophist | H Tudor Edmunds | y1973 | v17 | - | 1st Q | p17 |
Controversy over "Memory Molecules" | E Lester Smith | y1973 | v17 | - | 1st Q | p18 |
Some Suggestions for a "Model" for the History of the Theosophical Movement | Prof Dr JH Dubbink | y1973 | v17 | - | 1st Q | p20 |
review - The Spiritual Path by Raynor C Johnson | Forbes G Perry | y1973 | v17 | - | 1st Q | p25 |
The Rationale of ESP & Coincidence - Arthur Koestler's The Roots of Coincidence | E Lester Smith | y1973 | v17 | - | 1st Q | p25 |
Ltte - Hugh Shearman's 1972 4th Q Ltte, p120 | Prof Dr JH Dubbink | y1973 | v17 | - | 1st Q | p29 |
Theosophical Research Centre | anon | y1973 | v17 | - | 2nd Q | p31 |
Editorial | anon | y1973 | v17 | - | 2nd Q | p32 |
Transcendental Meditation | E Lester Smith | y1973 | v17 | - | 2nd Q | p35 |
Research into the Spirit of Man (abrdgd from Psychic - Exploring the Nature of Man) | Sir Alistair Hardy, biologist | y1973 | v17 | - | 2nd Q | p38 |
Right Brain, Left Brain | Laurence J Bendit | y1973 | v17 | - | 2nd Q | p45 |
The Disembodied Spirit (Theories of Body & Mind) | KB Wakelam | y1973 | v17 | - | 2nd Q | p52 |
The Case for UFO's (The UFO Experience - A Scientific Enquiry by J Allen Hynek) | E Lester Smith | y1973 | v17 | - | 2nd Q | p57 |
Ltte - Ethics & Scientific Education | Prof Dr JH Dubbink | y1973 | v17 | - | 2nd Q | p62 |